Title: An Unusual Predicament of Utmost Import
ifyouwereminePairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, Sam/teen!Dean, Sam/Dean/Sam, Sam/Dean/Jared/Jensen (top!Sam and top!Jared, bottom!Dean and bottom!Jared)
Rating: R
Category: Crack
Summary: “One day, Dean woke up as a kitten. Things went downhill from there.”
Word Count: 2,567 words
Notes/Warnings: I have no excuse for this one. This is basically just my attempt to fit in as many crack clichés as possible into one fic. I shall call it mega!crack. ^_____~
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural. If I did, you could be assured that Jensen and Jared would be kissing one another a whole lot more. And maybe doing other stuff. In my bedroom office.
An Unusual Predicament of Utmost Import )