Because my updates are so few and far between...

Jan 23, 2010 13:31

So I've been sick for like two weeks but this week has just sucked. I actually went to the doctor on Monday (first time since I was 14! and then it was just for a twisted knee) and got antibiotics for my ear infection. So that's starting to clear up, but now my throat hurts. And I'm not talking pop in a couch drop for relief hurts, it fucking hurts. I can barely swallow it hurts so bad. I haven't eaten anything substantial since Monday (though last night I had some turkey noodle soup) and while I'm hungry I just can't bring myself to try and eat, it hurts that bad. I tried to eat a Frosty from Wendy's yesterday and I couldn't finish it. So I'm afraid I may have to go back to the doctor, because if it's just a throat infection, shouldn't the amoxocilin be clearing it up with the ear infection? Idk.

I haven't worked like at all this week. Monday I usually have off and I went to the doctor... and then got my nails done and drove out to Orlando with Sarah and Alyssum. Tuesday we went to Universal/Islands of Adventure - which, admittedly, was a stupid thing to do considering how crappy I felt, but we'd had this planned for like a month and a half and Sarah had already taken off work and if I didn't go it would have ruined it for them as well. It was still fun. Probably would have enjoyed myself more if I hadn't felt like shit. (We did get to see what's being built of the Harry Potter section, though, and it looks AMAZING. OMG you can see parts of the castle and parts of Hogsmeade and it's just so exciting. We're definitely going back when the HP park opens.) Wednesday I couldn't even get out of bed... so I didn't go to work. Thursday I managed to suffer working 10am - 8pm, but then by Friday I couldn't work. I literally cry from the pain it gets so bad. I'm so sick of it. Anyway, today was supposed to be in at 12, but when I went it there was one delivery, so I'm gonna go back in at 5 and hopefully be alright to stay all night. I feel pretty okay now, but I popped 3 Motrin's before (you're only supposed to take one, I think). I can still feel soreness in my throat, so who knows how long I'll be alright for.

Watched Conan's last show last night and I'm not gonna lie, when he started getting teary, I definitely cried a little. I've loved him for years (though not as much as my friend, Lareina. I have to message her sometime about it...) and I'm gonna miss him. I mean, sure, he'll do something else and I'll be ready to watch when he makes his comeback, but I just think it's so crappy how NBC treated him. After 20+ years of him working for them and they go and pull this shit. It's just unbelievable. No way is Jay Leno funnier than him. I haven't watched Leno in years and I have no plans to start again. I know Conan said not to be cynical, but I can't help it. I hope the show gets the worst ratings ever and that NBC tanks (but not before Chuck gets picked up by a better, more deserving network). Conan was so classy last night in his speech and that's what I admire most about him. He got screwed over royally and instead of trash talking the people who screwed him, he thanks them for everything they've done for him. WTG CoCo ♥♥♥

conan o'brien, my life, being sick sucks

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