Meme... cause Babs did it.

Aug 11, 2009 14:19

1. Pick up to 10 OTPs.
2. Describe them in less than (mostly) 15 words.
3. Have your flist guess the OTP.

1. The captain and his doctor. (hmm, this could actually be two, bonus points for getting them both) Kirk/McCoy; Mal/Simon
2. The captain and the logical alien. Kirk/Spock
3. The womanizer and the news reporter. Barney/Robin
4. The FBI agent and the author/forensic anthropologist. Booth/Bones
5. The nerd with glasses and the hot neighbor. Leonard/Penny
6. The ex-wrestler from Iowa and the ex-model. Alex/Izzie
7. The captain and the coffee boy. Jack/Ianto
8. The nerd and the CIA agent. Chuck/Sarah (though I shoulda made it Chuck/Casey, cause I'm a slasher like that)
9. The telepath and the vampire (sheriff of Area 5) Sookie/Eric
10. The writer and the detective. Castle/Beckett

And, kicksav29... you're not allowed to answer the ones that are the same as yours =P


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