Children of Earth

Jul 11, 2009 09:49

Okay, so here are my thoughts now that it's the next day and I've been able to formulate them.

I'm not going to lie, Ianto's death gutted me. And I'm not even going to try and deny the fact that I cried like a freaking baby, because I did and to try and deny it would be pointless. I'm thrilled that there are all these petitions and ideas floating around the internet to try and save Ianto (sending coffee to BBC or RTD, whatever it was, is just brilliant) and I really hope it works, because if he doesn't come back, then I'm not sure I'll be watching the show anymore.

And I've seen people post that they think it's a childish thing to say, that I'm not going to watch the show anymore because I'm bitter that my favorite character has been killed off, and I'd just like to defend myself here. I am not saying that I'm not going to watch anymore solely because Ianto was killed off, my reasoning for not watching anymore is to do with what is left of the show. There are two characters left, Gwen and Jack, and quite frankly, they're not interesting enough to me to continue watching.

Gwen is by far the most annoying character on the show. She's supposed to be "the heart of Torchwood", but I'd like someone to point out to me even one instance where this was the case and if you can, I'm sure I can counteract that statement. She's a two dimensional character and is not strong enough to carry a show on her own. Now, I'm not trying to dis Gwen, because quite frankly (and I never thought that I would admit this publicly) I like Gwen. As long as Gwen and Jack aren't together and flirting, then I am quite happy to watch her. I, in fact, quite enjoyed her during Children of Earth. However, you cannot deny the fact that she is a poorly written character. Even way back in season one, her affair with Owen and then retconning Rhys to forget that she admitted to it to him. This was, IMO, Gwen at her lowest, most annoying, least redeemable point. And throughout the series she continues to be the least important member on the team; rarely having anything useful to contribute.

I'm going to stop there, because this isn't a rant about my problems with Gwen (which mostly just has to do with Gwack, so we'll let it go).

Jack is a majorly flawed character. And while he would be interesting enough to carry a show (duh, cause he did and we all loved it) he needs people around him to ground him, to make him remember what it's like to be human. As much as Gwen is supposed to be "the heart", Ianto was that person. He made Jack a better person, not Gwen, and I really don't think I'm interested in watching an unfeeling early season one Jack anymore.

So yeah, Gwen and Jack being the only ones left is why I have reservations about continuing watching this show, not because I'm bitter about Ianto's death (even though, ya know, I am). I am not interested in watching a show with characters I don't care all that much for. Now, I'm saying all this now, but it's going to be a LONG time before another season of Torchwood airs (if it does), there's a very good possibility I will change my mind in that time span.

Moving on...

Umm, I have a major problem with people saying Jack is a horrible person for what he did to Stephen, and I honestly think you're welcome to your opinions, but I think you're wrong and I'm welcome to my own opinion. The decision that Jack made was probably one of the hardest decisions anyone has ever had to make (and I don't mean hardest as in having to decide whether to do it or not, but in that it's the kind of thing that HAS to be done and it's going to kill you inside). His decision was to sacrifice his grandson, ONE child, or millions of other children. And he had to do it fast because the 456 was going to take the children. I'm sorry, but this was the right decision. To quote Star Trek: "The needs of the many outweigh the needs or the few or the one". For people to say he's a horrible person for this decision just completely astounds me. If he had stood there completely straight faced and unfeeling, then maybe saying that about him would be just, but you could see in his eyes how much it was tearing him up that he had to make that choice.

And then Jack's decision to leave Earth. I'm not going to lie, I cried at the end of Day 5, okay. Jack leaving and Gwen breaking down and crying just broke my freakin' heart, but I don't fault Jack. The man has had to go through so much in his life and will have to go through so much more alone. I don't blame him at all for not wanting to be on Earth. He's lost so much there and if he wants to try and find another life, I don't see how anyone could fault him. Why shouldn't Jack be allowed to try and find a better life for himself? Because of Gwen? I'm sorry, but Gwen is selfish. Jack is not happy. He's not going to be happy staying there. What's he supposed to do? His team is gone and he blames himself for it. His grandson is dead and his daughter wont speak to him. So what? He's supposed to hang with Gwen until she dies and he'll get to watch her build a happy little family with Rhys? I'm sorry, but I don't disagree with Jack's decision to leave.

I feel like I've been let down by this show. The first three episodes were amazing, but IMO went downhill after that. And not just because of Ianto's death, but there were parts where I was so bored I read fanfiction while I waited for them to be over. And then the simple fix at the end? Please. And it really pisses me off that Jack looked at the shit for like five minutes and figured out how to stop them. If the government had just backed the fuck off Torchwood would have been able to fix everything before it all got out of hand. They're freakin' Torchwood. Their one job is stop protect Earth against the alien threat, but to cover their backs they almost cost the lives of millions of people. WTG.

I liked Gwen and Rhys trying to save Ianto's niece and nephew and the whole neighborhood coming together to try and fight back, even though it would have been pointless had Jack not saved the day, but really, what else were they supposed to do with no Torchwood base to go back to and therefore no other way to help?

PC Andy is always great to watch (if he had his own show, I would watch the shit outta that!) and I loved how he through down all his police stuff and fought back. He's a good person and I love that when Gwen needs help, though he might question her, he's always there to help, because he trusts Gwen and wants to do the right thing.

Lois, I absolutely loved her throughout the whole thing. If Torchwood comes back I certainly hope she's there.

I'll ETA any other thoughts I may come up with about this...

So where does Torchwood go from here? Tosh, Owen, and Ianto are dead. Jack has left the planet. There's no team. The hub is gone. Gwen is pregnant. I'd like the show to come back. It's been a favorite of mine for years, but I don't know how it could come back from this. And I'm not sure I'd be interested in anything the writers might come up with. Only time shall tell, I suppose.

fuck you rtd, torchwood, children of earth

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