Title: Realize (3/4)
loveable_me_87Pairing: Barney/Robin... sorta... eventually.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own HIMYM.
Summary: Barney wakes up one morning and things aren't how they're supposed to be.
Words: 5974 total (though it keeps changing...)
Warning: Spoilers through "Benefits".
Take time to realize, this all can pass you by. Didn't I tell you?... )
I'm sad, the next chapter is the last one but at the same time I'm hapy cos Barney will wakes up from this AU soon -- I hope for him... Is so sad a world without Barney... Ted is still single, Marshal and Lily aren't togheter and now Robin with this Mike, this bad bad BAAAAD Guy...
Is so true that all the beautiful things in Robin, Lily, Ted and Marshal's life are happened because of Barney!
I hope to read the next chapter tomorrow!
Well done :)
Or is it? No just kidding, it probably is...
Thanks! Today or tomorrow with the conclusion!
Oh and don't worry I'm pretty sure that it will be brilliant like the others chapters! Now I come back to my books... I have to study a lot :(!
Bye :)
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