FABULOUS first week, darlings! Great thanks to
moosesal, and (presently!)
edie22 and
mickeymvt for being so damn kinky and awesome!
Week two starts TOMORROW, so brace yourself for all the wonderful clichés in the whole damn world! The schedule for Cliché Week is:
Cliché Week, Dec. 9-16:
9th: Undercover in a Gay Bar (uhm. That's pretty clear, right?)
Kashmir1 (CW)
10th: Fuck or Die (the characters are thrust into a dangerous situation where they must have sex in order to live)
helpwess (CW)
11th: Amnesia (one or more of the characters forgets who he/she is)
Bluebrocade (Canada),
storydivagirl (CW)
12th: Three Beer Queer (getting drunk makes them realize their true, sexual feeling for someone of their same gender)
lovelokest (Canada)
13th: Huddling for Warmth (example: It gets very cold in Vancouver!)
Elohvee (CW),
trakkie (Canada)
14th: Loss of One of the Senses (example: Jensen Ackles is temporarily blinded! Paul Gross is mute!)
__Tiana__ (CW)
15th: Woke Up Gay (example: one morning, Chad Michael Murray woke up and all of a sudden realized he's a giant homosexual!)
estrella30 (CW)
16th: Hooker Fic (example: Michael Rosenbaum is a streetwalker in tiny shorts!)
Without_me (CW)
Again: please remember that while this isn't a fic exchange, exactly, it is a fic committment and we're ALL counting on you to post your fic on your assigned day. If you're going to be offline on the day your fic is due, feel free to email either
estrella30 or
brooklinegirl and we will post the fic for you.
When posting your fic, you can either post the fic itself behind a cut-tag on this comm, or post the link here to the fic posted in your own journal. Also, please use the following story header:
Fandom and Pairing:
Your name:
Fic title:
Rating/Warning/Length (optional)
You guys are SO awesome for making this work. I adore you, fandom!