Dark, Music-Related RP?

Dec 12, 2021 13:19

My name's William - or Will, if you want to call me that. I'm a male, 19 years of age, and a longtime writing enthusiast. Darker content is a major staple in not just how I role play, but also for other personal writing projects. Additionally, I can explore taboos - but that doesn't mean nothing's off the table for me. Depending on the subject itself, there's a 50/50 chance that it'll have to remain implied at my discretion.

As for role playing, I write about 4 paragraphs. That amount is subject to change, depending on the material provided and/or how much is happening in the scene. I also require you to have at least a basic understanding of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Vocabulary is also an essential for me.

Story-wise, I've been recently delving into some history... sorta. More or less music related since I love music - and anywhere around the 20th century. Think from 50s to 90s. My favourite scenarios are anything about our roles forming bands and rising to fame, only to inevitably fall from grace.

I don't mind if we talk outside of role play. You'll find I can be either casual or complex. I'll still remain affable; if you have any questions to ask, I'll answer.

Discord: WillEnglund#3095
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