I am searching for a long term RP Partner to roleplay what I think is a bit of a niche setting/kink. The setting is a prison (I have no real preference for the setting, as I want this role play to be adjustable around myself and my rp partner). I work full time, so some days I may be a little too busy to reply, but I will let you know if that’s the case. I am a 27 from the UK, so time zones might be awkward.
A little bit about the RP: So as I mentioned above, this RP will be set in a prison. The story will go along the lines of staff member x prisoner. (Myself playing the member of staff). I have a few plot ideas for this setting.
1: A gang member has infiltrated the prison as a guard, and is attempting to break out the prisoner. However, having their gang mate in such a vulnerable possession, they decide to take advantage of it.
2: DetectivexPrisoner: The prisoner has information that the detective wants, and the detective will go to any means to extract it from them (more smut-focussed plot).
3: WardenxPrisoner: The Warden in this story is known to pick favourites, and take them aside to have some fun with. Much like the above, this one is also more smut foccussed.
4: GuardxPrisoner: The two start at odds, but the tension soon turns into mutual affection. After a while, the two decide to formulate an escape plan so they can live their forbidden love outside of the confines of the law.
If you’re interested in any of these plots, or want to offer one that can fit in this setting, please hit me up with a DM on discord at YourBoiTrol#5101 or email me at thomas.oliver1994@virginmedia.com