Other Activities

May 31, 2008 17:17

Other Activities.

Poetry/lyrics/rap: Write a poem/song / rap and post it up for everyone to read. - 15 points.

Your Song: Basically tell us about a song/songs that remind you of you and why. 5 points.(for each song)

Rate my Picture: Submit a picture for members to rate 1 -10. Points will be determined by the average of the rating. - 10 possible points.

Love Song: Tell us about a person in your life that you love and the song that reminds you of them. - 15 points.

Make me a Mixtape: Ask members to name songs for a theme , which you make up. - 10 points(for post), 5 points(each suggested song that fits theme).
((Member who posted must comment each song suggestion saying wether they liked it or not))

Life Story: Tell us about you !! From the begining or where ever you want. One post or a series!! Let's get to know each other. - 10 points.(per post)

Reviews: Give reviews for books,movies and show's that you've been watching/ reading . Tell use about the good the bad and the ugly. - 10 points.

Video Posts: Live video's of you or funny video's. Entertain us !! - 15 points.

Ask LJ: Ask for advice on a problem and get some help. - 5 points(for post),5 points(helping).

Movie/Song Guess:Post 10 lines from songs or from movies and have members else guess where they're from. - 10 points(post) , - 5 points (each correct guess).

Introduce Yourself: After being accepted introduce yourself on a more personal level.Tell us a little more about you . - 10 points.

Pet Post:Show us your pets! Birds dogs ,cats ,monkies,fish ,ferret... whatever lets see them. - 10 points.

Refer a Friend: Any time a members name is put on the application as where the applicant heard about the community. - 5 points.

Banners:Make us Banners!! If used will earn points. - 15 points (per banner used).

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