Oct 04, 2004 18:21
I was aware of a certain irony in clicking 'Recent Entries' in Semagic to see where I left off... so... an update at long last. It's really hard getting back into LJ after so long an absence, but here goes.
Things are going really great between me and Alison,which is handy, being engaged and all. It's strange that we've been friends for years and not realised how complimentary we are to each other. OK, sometimes her tidyness gets a bit much - I mean, is it such a sin to leave the wardrobe doors open? I'm only going to need to open them again if I keep them closed. And ironing bed sheets? What's up with that? But she does remember things that I forget, like the fact that we had to go to my friend's 40th on the weekend, and we really should get her a present. Anyway, she's just moved up to London - last Thursday in fact - and started a new job today. She will be staying with some friends of ours until we get married which is unusual these days - at least most people I talk to seem surprised that we won't be living together. But we both would like our wedding day to be special, and it's not that far away.
Other news. My bicycle got nicked a couple of weeks ago, despite being double locked to some railings outside my workplace. It's a bit of a bitch, as I really hate public transport, but I've had it 6 years so it was a good innings and probably time to upgrade. So I've gone and bought a motorbike - only a 125cc, but until I get a full license, that's all I'm allowed to ride. Maybe after a year or two I'll upgrade to a big bike. I passed my CBT (provisional license) on Friday and bought insurance a few minutes ago so I'm all road legal.
My car is still being its usual money-sink self. After spending a couple of grand repairing it last month, it decided on Saturday morning that indicators and windscreen wiper facilities were optional, and it is no longer performing those services. Great. Especially going down the M1 on Saturday night when it decided to start pissing down. Yes I know I oughtn't to have been driving it, but it was my friend's 40th as mentioned above, and I could hardly miss it on account of car troubles. So rain stopped play and we were forced to sit it out at a Days Inn motel at the next service stop. We resumed after breakfast the following morning. So that should be going into the mechanics next week.
What else? Oh, yeah... I am now the only IT person in the company I work for after my colleague was erm, rationalised. Close shave there. At least he got another job almost immediately. I may not be the most sociable person in the world, but it's a bit too quiet now. And a bit too busy.
That's all for now. Catch y'all later.