Right - so I disappear for a month, come back with an announcement that I'm getting married, and follow up with a.... Meme?
Well, not so much a meme as the results of my online handwriting analysis...
Others beware! Concerning this handwriting characteristic, you checked that the letter "k" in your sample was larger than the other letters in the words.
This is known as the "go to hell K". It signifies defiance and resistance to authority. You resent being told what to do and were probably a very rebellious teenager. Entrepreneurs, class clowns, and CAREER CRIMINALS often have this characteristic present in their handwriting. My advice? Channel your rebellion carefully!
Regarding letter size... you clicked "Medium".
Because your writing is neither really large or small, then we know you are not as intense as those who write really small... nor are you as flighty as those on the other extreme. You fall into the middle-of-the-road on this character trait.
Slant reveals "emotional outlay".
(How you react emotionally to the situations with which you're faced.) And Concerning the letter slant of your sample, you chose "Vertical".
You use logical, sound judgments to make decisions. You're ruled by your head, not your heart. You tend to be calm, cool, and collected... and are good under pressure. In a situation where other people might get hysterical, you have poise.
Some may see you as "detached" or "unemotional". It's not that you don't feel emotions, you just have more discernment when and with whom to express your inner-most feelings. You also keep them inside longer than most people. (If your writing is very large, you can be very social, friendly, and talkative... but still emotionally logical.)
The first time someone makes you mad, you probably won't say anything. But, you'll mentally put a mark on the wall and keep your mouth shut until they piss you off again. Then, BOOM! You'll explode... all that pent-up anger comes pouring out! And, you won't feel any regret at all, because you know they deserved it.
This may sound harsh, but you're ruled by self-interest. In emotional situations you ask yourself, "What's best for me?" And, unlike many of us, you actually have the discipline to follow your logic... rather than your emotional whims.
In a relationship, you tend to show your affection by the things you DO rather than the things you SAY. The only exception is if your mate has expressed a need to hear "I love you" on a daily basis, then out of respect for your partner's needs, you'll verbalize your feelings.
Relating to the letters "d" and "t", you selected "Shaped like an Indian teepee or upside down V".
This indicates that you have a stubborn streak (which in this case may be a defense mechanism used to protect your "ego"). You also probably have trouble admitting you're wrong. Even when you suspect you may not be. (You've already made up your mind, so don't confuse you with the facts!)
Stubborness can be an asset or a liability. It depends on how extremem it is and the situation in which it comes out. IF your stubborn streak is so pronounced that it hinders your relationships... or keeps you from receiving help and counsel from someone who could be a real asset to you... then you should consider taking steps to change that personality trait.
Looking at the letter "i", you chose "i-dot is just about normal".
This is a good trait to have, because it shows loyalty... a solid commitment to stand by those people or ideals in which you truly believe.
Looking at the letter "i", you also chose "Slashed i-dot".
This leads me to think that you were irritated or angry at the time the i-dot was written. So... who are you mad at?
The letter "o"... this is a very insightful letter. When you picked "Open at the top, with or without loops", that told me that you LOVE to talk.
You give your opinion on anything and everything. As a matter of fact, you volunteer your opinion even when it isn't asked for. Because you can't stop talking, people may refer to you as "motor-mouth".
If you're single, and considering matrimony... I suggest you look for someone who's rich, beautiful, and STONE DEAF. You'll make the perfect couple!
This is a great quality, because when I asked about the slant of the humps in the letters "m" and "n"... you clicked on "Downhill slant".
This tells me that you can be very diplomatic in difficult situations. You have the knack of saying things in a way that will not offend others. Your natural abilities as a diplomat make you a valuable addition to any organization where there's a lot of interaction and cooperative action among its' members.
When I asked about the shape of the tops of the humps in the letters "m" and "n", you chose "Needle sharp points".
This tells me that you're a "comprehensive" thinker. In other words, you can see a problem, instantly size it up, and come up with a solution. That's great! But be careful, you have a tendency to get irritated at people who don't think as quickly as you.
I have good news and bad news... Albert Einstein had "m" humps like you. The bad news is... so did Adolf Hitler.
This is an important trait!
When I asked you how high the t-bar is crossed on the stem of the letter "t", you chose "Crosses near top". This is the best place you could cross it... because this tells me you're ambitious, and set high goals for yourself.
According to recent research, a majority of self-made millionaires and other successful people tend to cross their t-bars on the top of the stem, which... again, indicates a healthy self-esteem.
When asked how the t-bar ends, you chose "Knife-point toward the right".
This tells me that you are a bit of a smart-ass. Sorry... the politically correct term is "sarcastic". This trait is usually exercised as a means of defending your ego. Sometimes your sarcasm comes out as a dry sense of humor. And expressed in this positive manner, people really enjoy it. But on the other hand, if you're at all insecure about yourself, your sarcasm can be directed at others... and be very hurtful. It's your call!
You told me that your t-bar is predominately located "Mostly right of the stem".
This stroke indicates a short fuse when you get upset. If all of your t-bars are on the right, I bet you have constant a problem with your temper. Let someone make a flippant remark about your outfit and they may end up getting clobbered!
I don't want to make you mad... but I bet you have lost more than one friend because of your quick temper. There's a fairly simple way to correct this... if you're interested, check the link at the end of your analysis.
Concerning your lower case t's, the last question deals with the TILT of the t-bar. You chose "Upward toward sky"... which tells me that you're optimistic, always looking toward the future, and a self-starter. Optimism is one key trait of successful and happy people.
Concerning your y's and g's, you chose "Tail forms a "v" shape".
This trait generally signifies an aggressive tendency... but that doesn't have to be a negative. If it's channeled correctly, you can be assertive and have positive initiative... if not, the result of this trait could be violence. It's your choice!
Wow! Concerning your y's and g's, you chose "Extra LARGE loop".
This tells me that you have a very active imagination. Character traits associated with large loops include: gullible, great story-tellers... and big sex drive! You like variety in your life... and you get bored very easily. And, if you also press extra hard on the writing surface, you probably have a very strong sex drive!
Let's review... a need for variety, a big imagination, AND a strong sex drive. I hope you have a imaginative partner... who can keep up with you in the sack. If not, you might want to consider keeping a spare somewhere close!
Just kidding!
You can get your handwriting analysed here: