Title: Tangled Up In You
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, humour, angst
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, OCs, other
Pairings: Jensen/OFC, Jared/OFC
Summary: Everything was finally going her way. And then Jensen Ackles fell for her. Literally.
Author's Notes: Jensen, and Jared, and any other real people that might make an appearance here obviously don't belong to me. They belong to themselves. Dana Gyman and any other OCs belong to me, except the ones that don't (like Megan Mcnamara, who belongs to
jediprincessdsv). This is part of my
serendipity_rph universe. Title from the song "Collide" by Howie Day.
Previous Chapters Tangled Up In You, Chapter 19