Apr 08, 2011 01:40
[The feed clicks on a chick. He warks lightly, high pitched and flaps his wings a bit. He's not standing.]
You can do it.
[He warks again, flapping his wings a bit more desperately and then his mother appears and nudges him forward a bit. He doesn't take long before he tries to stand. At first it looks like he's going to fall but he holds his ground, flapping his wings again and he's got it! He kwehs happily, looking up at his mother who nudges him again before moving on.
The little chocobo looks straight at the mognet and kwehs again, quite proud of himself.]
I knew you could to it. [And the feed turns to Tifa who's smiling.]
They're cute, huh? [And the feed ends.
She pockets the device before holding her hand out to the small chocobo.]
Lets get you moving around, then. Did you see your mother? She was awfully proud of you.