Oct 25, 2010 22:00
[Anyone in the hotel currently likely just heard the noise of a room being well and truly ransacked and wrecked. Anyone who decides to actually track the noise down, will find the noise is coming from room 30. Anyone who is brave enough to try the door will find it is very fortunately locked against any intruders.
It'll be several minutes once the noise finally decides to die off before a certain man sees fit to turn on his phone and clue people in to something of what was happening. One might also note due to the video nature of the communication the general now sports a rather wicked set of black horns and one black wing there behind his right shoulder. Anyone looking beyond him will see part of the mess room 30 has now become, broken furniture most apparent.]
Room 30 is in need of clean up and repair. For the time being, I will be heading back to my own room and will be taking Genesis with me.
Does anyone as of yet have any idea as to why this is happening? Or just how long the effects of it will last? [He really doesn't mind so much what has happened to him, despite the fact that his left shoulder and that side of his back are still aching like a bitch, but he would much rather like to have Genesis once again human, thank you very much.]