Oct 17, 2010 03:35
[Vexen looks like he's been better. With his skin lacking almost all color but the chill of white and blue, his hair turned white and covered with frost, and his eyes gaining an odd glow to them, it's almost as if he's turning into some sort of living ice creature. Very fitting given his elemental affiliation.
He backs away from the camera once it's been set up, sits down in a convieniently-placed chair, and crosses his arms, clearly wanting to get straight to the point.] As I'm sure everyone is aware of, there have been a few... changes happening the past couple of weeks. The most that I have been able to determine thus-far is that these changes are being caused by the world itself, as opposed to a spell or potion. I have been attempting to find a way to reverse the changes, but I have been met with nothing but failure on my part--
[Vexen is cut off by the sounds of alarms going off, and the whole area starts to flash red with the lights of the alarms. Vexen is instantly distracted by this, and looks rather alarmed.] What now--blasted machines--
[He gets up and walks off-screen, the alarms blaring. Steam starts to billow, and Vexen's voice is heard.] What?! This can't be right--
These readings--[audio static]--no, no, no--the gather rate is too high--[more static, and echoing]--blast it, the heat is rising to fast for me to control--Demyx, where are you--
[A rumble, and the camera gets knocked over, with static filling the viewer.]
[All across town, the earth shakes, and a loud explosion is heard. The explosion is accompanied by a very large surge of energy that's enough to make anyone wonder what the hell is going on.]
[[ooc: Here it is, guys. Have anyone that's sensitive to Light and Dark, or anyone that's more than a little curious try to respond.]]