[Xemnas is regal in his royal blue robes with the high, lacy collar, which peeks out from under his Organization coat, looking down at Never Was from his mansion seat through the camera. Pay no mind to the hollows under his eyes; it's not as if he's been fighting the world for control for the past few months. He does that with ease.]Citizens of the
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[A flash of feigned irritation.] And regarding my main project, I appear to have come across a road block. I lack much of the equipment necessary to continue, and acquiring it is proving somewhat difficult.
What equipment do you need? I haven't gotten many reports from you, Number IV....
As for the equipment, I am in need of a non-invasive scanner for in-depth readouts on the varying Light and Dark compositions of the Heart. My own senses will no longer suffice regarding this particular task, I'm afraid. [He'll need to be far more accurate than what he can merely 'feel' from another being. Hopefully the people of this town will be willing to volunteer for this.]
I can get you one of those within the week. And I believe I can create a situation where people will be lining up to be scanned.
Oh, now you have his attention.] I see... I believe it would be best to not inform me of what you are planning, provided it results in something the citizens of the town will not approve of.
[Plausible deniability and all that.]
Oh, it will be quite innocent. It will not appear to be a heart scanner...
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