[...Something isn't quite right here. The last thing he remembers is being gone, faded, and on top of that old clock tower for one last goodbye. His face feels cold and when he reaches up to touch it he realizes that he'd...been crying. Upon further digging through those hazy memories, Roxas comes up and Axel remembers that, ah, that's why.
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Oddly enough, finding random people she'd never seen before in the restroom also reminded her a bit of home. Oh, the joys of living in a communal village. But at least then, it'd been all girls. Thiiis one was clearly a guy, if the lack of anything in the chest department was an indication.
Fang sighed and crossed her arms, shaking her head a bit.] Couldn't find a less public place for wanderin' eyes, could you?
...Also, please to be ignoring tear stained face, thank you.]
Can't exactly blame the new guy, can you?
Nah, guess that's a believe excuse.
[Fang leans down and hauls him to his feet. Anyone whose face was as tear stained as his was probably wouldn't feel like standing by themselves. Vanille had proved that quite often.]
C'mon, you'd better get outta here. Unless my eyes are deceivin' me and you're a chick.
What do you think? [Smirks]
I'm thinkin' you're a guy who's luck he didn't catch me in a bad mood. [Chuckles] Name's Fang. And you are...?
What's it to ya if I forget?
Well, my opinion of you is certainly subject to change.
[She turns to face him with her hands on her hips, looking a bit amused.]
You don't seem all surprised at bein' dumped in an unfamiliar place. Were you aiming to come here or somethin'?
Hm. Hardly anything surprises me anymore. That's all~
Demyx is here, is he. [Scoff] ...That's right. I was. [Was.]
[And this Axel person didn't seem so bad either. At least he wasn't frolicking.] You two friends or somethin'? 'Cause I bet he'd be glad to see ya.
Comrades, more like. [Pause] Why? Have you talked to him?
So. You know about the Organization.
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