Yuna's fumbling some with her sphere, she looking not to dissimilar to when she would emerge from the Fayth chambers after acquiring a new Aeon, though she also seems much, much more confused. Gently pushing Doink out of the sphere view and telling him in a tired, slightly raspy voice that no, she doesn't want any tea, she looks to the sphere again
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[ He can tell that she's not, but... ]
I'm not hurt.
[Technically, she wasn't!]
Nightmares of heartlessness and being alone, of finding things and having them ripped away, of blessings and curses rolled into one.
[She smiled sadly]
This place is becoming rough on my thoughts.
For as long as you have been alive, you have never been alone. Even when it seemed otherwise.
[ He thinks about the Dark Knight sphere, how he had nearly dropped it after trading it to Vexen-as-Yuna in exchange for Alchemist. He frowns. ]
There is nothing wrong with facing the darkness, but do not hide it from those who care about you. That's how it wins.
I know. I've always had someone there, all the time. It only serves to make the nightmare thought of being alone even worse! Makes living in this place that teases with glimpses of those thought gone even harder than the reality I've already accepted!
[she looked aside again, expression smoothing as she drew in a breath.]
I called Rikku for a reason, afterall...I just, didn't mean to worry anyone else. She's the one who's been...I always...she's..
[Her voice couldn't form the words right, she knew they would sound almost accusing, though she didn't mean for them to. Tensing some, she tried again.]
She's saved me more than just from Sin when everyone seemed to forget that with Sin gone I had a right to my own life. She knows of my nightmares. I don't think I could really hide it from her even if I tried.
I didn't mean physically.
Whether they are here, on Spira, or in the Farplane, those who care about you are always with you. The lessons they have taught you, and that you have taught them, or simply memories... those are part of you, now, and so are they.
[ He shifts, reaching up to adjust his sunglasses. ]
Rikku is... Rikku.
You're right...though when those who are gone physically suddenly reappear, it's a bit offsetting. [She gave him a bit of a look and a smile.]
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