[Sephiroth is in the Hotel now, currently in room forty-three. Likely it will give some people some peace of mind that the General still looks rather sane despite his meeting with Genesis and the altercation which followed that]
It would seem the room I've been assigned to already has an occupant. If the person currently staying within room 43 could make himself known to me, I would be much obliged.
[Filtered to Rufus]
I have a few questions for you, Rufus. Foremost among them, I would like to know what actually happened to your father from you. The others revolve around the town of Nibelheim, I would like to know what occurred there beyond its destruction via fire.
[Filtered to Remnants]
Kadaj, I believe I understand now what you were trying to say earlier. And you were correct it would seem about my being lied to, more so than I quite realized until recently. Considering all that I have learned since my arrival, I may be cutting what ties I have remaining with ShinRa here shortly.