if they are the lines on the kubert pages or blueline pros or eon prod boards, then TECHNICALLY thats supposed to be non-repro blue and wont show up on regular black and white copy machines, but copy machines are getting pretty impressive lately, so dont be suprised if it shows up kinda light, its been a while since i used prelined boards so its hard for me to remember.
either turn the pages over and lightbox through the lines you want, or just buy a pad of bristol at 14 by 17 and cut it down to 11 by 17 and line it out manually which is what i do, cause those are easier to come by than prelined pages...and its pretty cheap too.
no problemmo, these are all easy answers that time would have told you anyways, so dont credit me TOO much...also venture bros dvds soon! im excited for them!
Well, seeing as how the only difference is time, Im glad to have gotten them sooner rather than later. Even the easy answers are important.
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