WhO kNoWs... WhO cArEs...

Jan 18, 2005 14:26

wat up ppl? this past weekend was BoRiNg* friday i stayed home and did absolutely nothing because my mom told my dad that i was grounded! (*for bullshit*)well then saturday i went to my uncle's house for his birthday! then sunday... my aunt came over and dyed my hair..we dyed it all dark burgundy then put highlights in it! hehe. now my hair isnt as blonde... so, today we had f*in exams again..there annoying! lol katie-take your shirt off and stay awhile* lol-that was hilarious.wow! everyone else dont ask bcuz its a long story! kla i wish you much love* im soooo sorry parents gotta treat you like that! you dont deserve it!if u need me im here* wow! a lot is getting to me these days* things just pissin me off! i feel like killing myself ! i may not seem like anything is wrong with me but now you know there is! The few things i live for are starting to go away and i hate it! Im loosing the one person i love,at least i feel like it. I pretty much dont really care about wat my parents think. and they treat me like crap and expect me to respect them? bull shit! then im loosing some of my closest friends. (not exactly loosing, but i just have that feeling something bad is gonna happen to where i do*)i just fuck up everything! seriously! i feel like i dont deserve to live. like everyone judges me before they know me. then they dont like me because other people dont! i guess im a bitch!(when someone calls me a bitch im gonna be one. if someone calls me anything im gonna be it!)i just dk what to do anymore i guess~!* but wat ever happens happens* and everything happens for a reason. if anything pushes me to do something bad to myself, i will. everyone tells me that i wont do anything and im just all talk or i would do it for attention? thats bullshit when i have already slit my wrists before.(now that truths out).but yeah! kla i know how exactly how you feel* i just hate being depressed all the time and having my confidence low toward myself! but i cant help the way i feel! i try to keep myself from doing anything,but im just happy i have the TRUE friends i do(you know who you are) and im happy that i got the love i have for Brenden. he means the world to me and i hope i dont ever loose him, as a friend or anything* but leave comments if you feel like it or if you got time~!* later*
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