It was a fairly uneventful weekend. Meghann came over to play with the 360, and we had fun. She played some Braid, and other random stuff that we've downloaded, and then we started watching videos on the computer, and wound up watching several Zero Punctuation reviews online. So, that was really fun.
As for games, I played some more Megaman 9. Now, beware of the amazingly shocking spoiler behind the cut.
It turns out that Dr. Wily was lying all along, and he WAS responsible for the robot attacks. Can you imagine that? I'm blown away. ;)
Of course, the main point of Megaman 9 is nostalgia, and it just wouldn't have felt like a Megaman game without a scene where everyone was shocked that Dr. Wily was behind it all along.
I'm glad that I went ahead and bought Megaman 9, cause I've had a blast playing it. If you haven't seen the screenshots, the whole game is done in 8-bit style, and it's a huge nostalgia-fest. And, just like the classic games, it's
Nintendo Hard. It's probably the best classic Megaman game since 3. Sitting here writing this, I can't decide whether I like it more or less than Megaman X, though. X was really good all on its own, but it's kind of a different style. More exploratory and item-collecty.
Xeddy and I also played a bunch of Anarchy Online this weekend, too.
Saturday, we finished up in the Subway. Sadly, we died before getting to take on the boss, and we'd already leveled up past the point where we couldn't re-enter. So, today, we moved on to the Temple of the Three Winds. It's a lot more profitable there, which is good, cause we're both broke and wanting to buy expensive items. It's a bit hectic, as things can go wrong in a hurry, with a ton of links but we've been doing good for the most part, and have been getting some really cool items from the mini-NMs.
And, to top things off, someone killed one of the lesser bosses, and it dropped an item that's REALLY good for my job, and they let me come over and lot it. I can't wear it for like another 10 levels or so, but it'll be really sweet when I can. So, yay for nice people! ^_^
So, yeah, all in all, a good weekend. :)