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Jan 16, 2011 07:45

Name: Kris.
Previous Stamps: N/A.

Give a brief description of your personality: The best way to do that without going into a tangent you probably don't want to read is just to link you to: INTJ and Cautious Leader. In short, I essentially call myself a loner (although that seems to get negative connotations?), but only because I choose solitude and I'm happier alone. I'm reserved, bad at socializing, and yet I'm told I make a great leader. In fact, I love being a leader. It's a gratifying position to be in-- not just because you have an influence, but because you can learn a lot from others. I try to be a good person, but I'm not sure I'm there yet. I'm a cynic and, while I try to be polite (being an asshole because you can is just ridiculous), I'm a far cry from what I consider friendly. Logic comes before feelings with me, and I don't care if I make someone feel bad for telling them something they need to hear. Like both of those links will tell you, I'm analytical and although I know my way around psychology like it's my own house, emotions baffle the hell out of me-- at least when it comes to myself. I'm pretty observant when it comes to other peoples', but when it comes to myself, my solution to everything is to close myself off and sit on my emotions. I'm not great at dealing with them. Friendship is also something I take extremely seriously; they're not just people to hang out with to me. Ah, look at me. I did that tangent thing. I'll stop.

List some of your positive traits: Confident, driven, guarded, collected, open-minded, logical, honest, protective, extremely loyal, resourceful.
... and some of your negative traits: Sarcastic, critical, detached, untrusting, headstrong, insensitive, blunt, perfectionist, incredibly cynical.

Are you more...

Outgoing or Reserved: Reserved, one-hundred percent. Not a good people person.
Energetic or Calm: Calm. If I do get a spurt of energy, I feel awkward and foolish afterwords.
Cautious or Impulsive: More cautious than anything. Especially socially. But even in situations, I never jump into anything without looking first. I'll admit that I trust my instincts a great deal and I do like to follow them, though.
Stoic or Emotional: Stoic.
Peaceful or Aggressive: That... depends? For the most part, I'm peaceful. I don't like picking fights and I pretty well keep to myself... But as soon as I feel threatened, that one of my friends is being threatened, or if I want something a great deal, I get very aggressive.
Vengeful or Forgiving: Vengeful. Once someone's betrayed my trust, I find it extremely difficult to forgive them.

The journey begins...

What would be your main motivation for leaving in the first place? To become stronger and for adventure. I'm always striving for ways to make myself stronger and better, both physically and mentally. And I've always had a strong craving for adventure and travel. It's in the blood, I think.

Do you prefer to travel with other people or would you rather be alone? Alone. I just work much more efficiently when I'm by myself.

By chance, you've come across a group which plans to destroy the world with radioactive butterflies. Do you want to do anything about them or will you just ignore them for now? ...r-radioactive butterflies? That's terrible. --Heh, of course I want to do something about it, but I have to think about if I have the means, first.

Regardless of your previous response, fate seems to be forcing you to oppose them as they've now labeled you a threat. What would be your prime reason for facing them? For yourself? To ensure that your loved ones survive? For the whole world? Leaving the world to die just isn't something I'd be proud of. I may not care for the road mankind is heading down, but that's no excuse to leave everyone for dead.

... but wait! Your learn that the secret, most powerful weapon is hidden in your hometown! You return to claim it, only to find the butterfly people have burned your town to the ground and quite a few died in the process. How do you react upon seeing this? Horrified-- and I'd feel even more determined to bring them down. I don't imagine I'll be able to look at another butterfly without expecting it to turn murderous, either.

This is it, the final battle. Is there anything you want to say to your now deformed, winged, massive opponents, or do you just want to defeat them and get it over with? Defeat them and get it over with. Needlessly dramatic and annoying things tend to happen when you monologue before the final battle.

Peace has finally been restored to the world. At least for now. Do you long for home or for yet another adventure? Another adventure. Especially after doing something like that, I don't think I'd be happy settling down in one place for too long.

(Optional) Which type do you think you're the least like? Pick only one: You tell me. Thanks in advance for voting.

(Not optional) Links to four recent applications you've voted on:

hero: the torn soldier

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