
Jul 22, 2007 22:24

Weekly Updates

New Formatting, New Style... )

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imperiused July 23 2007, 07:28:08 UTC
Hi guys-

I know you have all put a lot of effort into the new format, and I think the clearer headers and the editors pick section are much better than what was used previously, but I must admit I miss the amusing little comments that really summed the chosen threads up. I do think that characters involved do need to be listed, although I feel the current format is a little cold and impersonal, and where we used to be encouraged to read the goings-on in the different Role-Play Groups, the current listing format isn't half so exciting.

I really don’t want to seem like I’m being overly critical, because I’m not and I’ve loved RPG_prophet ever since I first read it, at the moment however it feels more of a duty done out of loyalty than a pleasure.

I was hoping, perhaps, that after a trial run of a few more issues, that the readerships general opinion would be asked for and whichever format was preferred would be used?

Many thanks guys, you do an excellent job and I for one am really glad of your continued support and excitement spanning so many games and players.

(and Lucius, who refuses to be left out)


syven July 23 2007, 09:40:08 UTC
I, too, love RPG_Prophet and sort of mourn the loss of the old format for the same reasons although I'm sure it's a great deal more work with the old format - it really gave me a target for what would appeal to me to read whereas now I just don't read any.

Many thanks for all the hard work you do, I wouldn't want you to feel as if this were a complaint as it's merely an opinion.

(and Narcissa, who thought the old format was much more elegant.)


wook77 July 23 2007, 14:38:25 UTC
The old format was quite a time consumer. It's one of the reasons we were hoping to get another editor before we reached the breaking point. To be honest, it became extremely hard to think of witty things to say about some of the games. I don't say that as a complaint, at all. Instead, it was just the time commitment.

That being said, we're currently discussing the formatting and games featured to see what we can do to keep the workload spread out and possibly go back to the old formatting.

Thanks for your opinion :). We appreciate it!


wook77 July 23 2007, 14:35:08 UTC
Unfortunately, the commentary on the threads was a time-consumer and it was, after awhile, hard to come up with something to add. We discussed making this more into the newsletter it is by going to this new format. To be honest, it's easier on the editors.

We found it was a "duty" to try to come up with creative things to say about the featured games. Some of the games would take over an hour to go through and the time commitment because arduous.

However, we are currently discussing the formatting and a realignment of games as a few of the games have come to an end. We are also hoping to get at least one more editor so that we can spread the workload around a bit and possibly have more time to do the old format. If you know of anyone *hinthint*...

We appreciate the continued watching and your opinion. We're taking it under advisement and will keep you updated!


imperiused July 23 2007, 14:49:32 UTC
I didn't realise it took so much time for you all to compile (there I was thinking you were all just extra-ordinarily witty ^^'' ) But I do appreciate it must have taken up a lot of your time, not only writing it up, but reading the communities involved, and then the curse of formatting!

I will try and help you look, although I’m sure I’d be no good at it. I have about as much natural wit as a dead fish and an even shorter attention span! However, I shall require with a few of my journalistic and RPG-mad friends and see if we can come up with any appropriate candidates.

In the mean time thank you very very much for taking the time to reply, and for continuing to provide us with the run-down of so many RPGs.

(and Lucius, who is a pest, and also quite surprised a double of his wife also replied)


wook77 July 23 2007, 17:39:29 UTC
LMAO - well of course we are extra-ordinarily witty. *grins*

Formatting is the bane of my existence. I cannot tell you how many people get pinged for helping me with it.

I appreciate you looking about for them!

I love you guys, so commenting isn't a big deal :). On a more personal note, I cannot WAIT to see what you guys come up with post-dh. I'm seriously all asquee over it!


imperiused July 23 2007, 17:44:01 UTC
But of course! :)

Oh gods, isn't it everyone's? Especially when posting on communities. I don't care if my personal journal is scew-wiff, but if one of Lucius or Percy's posts goes wrong it has to be charged straight away!

No problemo!

Oh, I'm sure we'll come up with something. There are plans about a big new twist for Lucius and Rabastan, although we're not sure if that will happen yet (Lucius still can't post while his trial is on-going, however ><'' ) but something for Percy will be posted this week. Promise.


lethe_obliviate July 23 2007, 17:46:19 UTC
Oh nice! Your Percy is one of the few that I can stand, to be honest. I'm really not a Percy fan so take that as a huge honour :) or, well, something?

Poor Lucius with that trial! I need me some more Lucius/Rabastan, darnit! and ooh, twists!!!! I'm uberexcited now!


wook77 July 23 2007, 17:47:09 UTC
and omg, I fail miserably at journal management.


imperiused July 23 2007, 17:50:56 UTC
Do you? I don't believe you!

You like Percy? Really? Really Really? May I ask why? I had the feeling no one liked him so I didn't play him much at all till we got a Penny Clearwater...

You need more Lucius/Rabastan? Then I shall ensure we manage to do the plot! I'm not sure how much I can tell you. But there will be Rabastan!angst and Lucius!porn. As always. ^^''


lonraigh_shay July 23 2007, 17:54:08 UTC
Heee! I'm always commenting with the wrong journal!

I do! He's actually fairly sympathetic in his dealings... like with the "worst memory" - it was well done and the guy went through quite a bit of stress. The Penelope bit gave him a bit of humanity that I thought was lacking in the Percy in the books. Like - the distance from the books allowed him to grow up a bit. IMHO - Percy is a spoilt selfish git and you turned that around quite a bit.

Oh yes!!!! YAYES! I shall be awaiting it! heee!!!!!!


wook77 July 23 2007, 17:54:52 UTC
and good christ, I did it again.


p_weatherby July 23 2007, 18:02:55 UTC
Oh, do you have the funny firefox login thing? I used to have that =mourns the loss of firefox=

I tried to make him more of a believable character than such a flat one. I mean, he has view and his family and he disagree about some very important things- but you always see the family's side of things, and never really his. I would love it if he ever became Minister for Magic- although now we shall never know, will we? But I'm glad he's gained some humanity. It was so diffecult before we had Penny. The only spoilt selfish git I play is Lucius ^^

So shall I. It's going to be the most amazing thing yet. Although we have had some many other plot ideas what we've not actually done on the community yet.


wook77 July 23 2007, 18:08:06 UTC
I do at home and that really helps. When I'm sneaking about at work, I'm not really even allowed on LJ so I don't have anything that would give me away like that nifty login thingy.

I love your Lucius as well, of course. Actually - I don't think there's a character at hex_files I don't like. ANd yes, I would like to see his side of it a bit more but, IMHO - in the books, he's a selfish git who blames others for his own problems.

With that sort of promise, I am all aflutter over it. *loves*


(The comment has been removed)

wook77 July 24 2007, 02:38:49 UTC
Oh man, that sucks hardcore on the firefox thing :(.

I really like it because you both give each of the characters more than the 2 dimensions that JKR does. Rabastan is simply a "rollcall" in the book - a name saying he was at a certain place at acertain time. I really appreciate the way you guys bring the characters to life.


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