31st Edition - February 25th, 2007

Feb 27, 2007 05:16

We're sorry for the delay of this issue, but here it is in it's entirety, and we, er, helped you learn the valuable virtue of patience. Or something. ;)

~*~Character Searches and Promotions~*~

February 25

Doxycide is a Marauder-Era, GJ-based game that is focused on character and plot. After a tumultuous fifth year filled with many fights, romances and drama galore, the Marauders and Co. have entered their sixth year of school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. With Lord Voldemort only just beginning to rise to dominance, the students are still left in their little haven at Hogwarts, the outside world seeming so very far away. There are still characters open, such as Kingsley Shacklebolt and Lucius Malfoy!

February 24

n_declinazio is set in the year 1995; the Triwizard Tournament is over, and everything has changed. But while dark times lie ahead, not everything is lost. The Order of the Phoenix is being revived, and though the Dark Lord has returned, his following is crippled. For most, the only course they know to follow is to live their lives as normally as possible. Which is just what those at Hogwarts are trying to do. A new school year is fast approaching, and despite a few new safety rules, things are progressing as usual. School supplies and new fashions occupy most young wizards' and witches' thoughts, and one new fad fits both bills: the computer.

Introduced into the wizarding world by the Muggleborns, the computer has caught on in popular even more quickly than in the Muggle world. They've been wired to run on magic, and their networks are secure from Muggle eyes. Hogwarts has its own network set up for its students and some watchful parents. However, even the greatest wizards don't know how to make something so new entirely secure, so students might be wise to watch their words... There are still several characters open, such as Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini!

February 21

hrcontention is a Trio-era game set in the year 2003 and the second war has been over since 1998. The Order lost, Harry is "dead", Voldemort reigns over all the Wizarding World and turning it into hell for all those opposed to him. The only people who have any rights at all are those who have sworn their allegiance to the Dark Lord. Out of those, only the purebloods are trusted. The rest, even if they have sworn themselves to him, are kept under tight watch at all times. For the opposed, it is a constant struggle to stay alive. Halfbloods and Muggle-borns are captured by Fenrir Greyback's clan of werewolf "police" and placed under the jurisdiction of Lucius Malfoy, head of the Department for the Control of Mudbloods (a new department created by Voldemort to handle the rest of the population). Once captured, the prisoner is marked with a symbol on their neck and a silver cuff is magically bound to their wrist before being sold into slavery.

There is a resistance: those who were lucky enough to escape their masters or avoid capture all together have banded together to form a secret society, known as The Contention. The Contention is currently based in Hogwarts Castle (the school having been shut down). To beat Voldemort, The Contention must be strong and stand together, creating their own society and way of life. There are still many characters available, including Voldemort, all Weasley's except Bill, and Luna Lovegood!

~*~Various News~*~


Harry accidentally cause a bit of an, ah, accident and Draco finds himself a little confused about his whereabouts. And by whereabouts I mean he literally is having a hard time figuring out where he is and leaving Seamus and Michael to pitch a tent...ah, poor Draco. :(


After hearing the news of Lily's pregnancy it certainly seems James is ready to take this parental thing seriously! ... Or is he?


Hermione heads on over to Cedric's house where she finds him unconscious on the floor. She calls on Kenneth Towler for help but Cedric isn't too keen on going anywhere, especially a clinic, anytime soon. Oh, that Cedric. His stubborness is giving Hermione a bit of a headache herself so she heads over to Roger Davies' house where they do a bit of grocery shopping and Roger helps relieve some of her stress.

After letting Cedric recover for a few days, Katie Bell stops by Cedric's place to check up on him. It definitely becomes a memorable experience with everything from Quidditch to Lord of the Rings. Later on Ginny and Ron meet up at the Five Alarm to catch up on a few things and are later joined Lavender Brown. Their relationship is still developing slowly but it's oh-so-cute! Another noteable couple is definitely Millicent and Justin and they arrive home where the shock of Millicent's previous addiction sets in a bit.

Draco and Blaise also meet and have a little catching up to do while Harry and Hermione are planning for Ron's upcoming birthday and they have an unexpected visitor who pops in...literally. Later on Roger stops by Hermione's place where Hermione proceeds to teach Roger how to cook but cooking is pushed aside when the topics of their respective upbringings comes up.


Just owls this week, but they are eeeexcellent. Seamus starts with mentioning to Dean about the recurring dreams of Dean he's having, and in the letter he also mentions (and links to!) his first time with Dean. Readers will feel nostalgic with that one! Dean also fondly remembers the time in question, and even outs Shay's romantic side as well. As if we didn't know it!

Seamus, of course, denies all accusations of being romantic. Pffff. Dean isn't fooled, and even goes into a bit of his own romantic detail about the intimacy he's felt and feels with Seamus. Enough to make a girl melt, I swear. Seamus remembers the same, though he adds that all these walks down memory lane are starting to make him worry for his masculinity. I really don't think you have anything to worry about, Seamus.


The boys start out with discipline issues. Emmy ends up in her room doing a time out. She doesn't seem to be dealing well with her new brother at all. Harry's suspicious of the possibility of gift giving while she's there, though. Ice cream in the morning might just be why. Draco's defensive and the talk turns to, err, punishment and how very much Draco wants needs it. Draco thinks he gets no respect and Harry points out how important a united front is and how he's afraid that Emmy will be the little brat no one likes.

Draco takes a spill and it turns out that Harry reads the girly magazines so that Emmy cfan draw on the adverts... or both of the boys can take the quizzes, whichever. Draco is Not Happy that Harry laughed at his misfortune.

There's something on the news that has the boys worried. Draco is extremely worried and Harry does his best to calm Draco down. It seems that this might possibly be Shane's building and Harry goes off to check on him.

Thankfully, an update is quickly behind as Charlie visits Draco and lets him know that Harry sent Charlie to wait with Draco. There is suspicion that it could be a Death Eater attack, especially as Lucius has a way of finding out where any witch or wizard lives. Charlie's having a bit of a guilt issue and Draco talks to him about it. Charlie knows that Shane wasn't there and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry arrives back home and we're all Draco is quite relieved. He's quickly followed by Shane. Harry and Draco insist that Shane stay with them. All I can say about this thread is that I want one of my own, mkthx. Charlie is so lovely and supportive. Meanwhile, Harry and Draco discuss the damage and it doesn't look very good.

Feel free to join the discussion at coffeejunkii's journal.


Terry and Michael meet to discuss Michael's magic "issues". (It's the most polite way I could think of to say "soon to be squib status) In addition, the two discuss Terry and Susan's relationship.

In a happier reunion - Millicent and Theo meet at a bar and then things hopefully get a bit more personal and romantic between the two of them. They really do make a lovely pair.

Dean and Ron make arrangements to meet. Charlie plays the hero and rescues a young girl from being shoved in front of a train.

Finally - Ron starts out with good intentions and plans on bringing everyone at the Order headquarters some sweets but by the time he gets back, all he has left is a bag of marshmallows.He brings a cup of cocoa to Hermione and the conversation turns to Harry. I truly feel for them with the loss of Harry. It's tough to not remember the sound of a departed loved one's voice or his face at times.


The folks on the network are still recovering this week from the shocking news of the George/Millicent relationship. Millicent, however, assures her man that he is perfectly and completely safe on school grounds. Except, uh. When boredom hits, apparently.

And Neville issues a formal apology to the Gryffindor boys for their lack of usable bathtubs. That Trevoretta, I tell you... ANYWAYS. Lastly we have an interesting plea for assistance from a bewildered Anthony.


A brief introduction to one of our new games. hex_files all started when one witch bumped into a cabinet and jarred it open. When Augustus Flappweiler went to give the floor a shine, he discovered the mix up. From there, the worlds of MWPP-era and Trio-era mix and mingle through corespondence, official documents and more. The timeline is fluid and the play is intriguing. We hope you enjoy.

Fleur sends a letter to a friend and we find out just how Bill charms Fleur. It's quite lovely and Billy is very flirtatious.

Narcissa sends two letters investigating her husbands involvement with the Dark Arts and Borgin and Burkes. It seems that Lucius and Rabastan have more than a friendly relationship. Mentions of a "Tragic Lover's" themed ball are made and Regulus and Severus have opposite reactions.

Sirius tries to save Regulus and Bellatrix is not amused. Gideon, on the other hand, wonders about codenames and secrecy. Regulus responds and James invites Sirius out for a drink. Lily urges caution.

James makes a will naming Sirius as executor and leaving all his property to Lily and/or Harry depending. The will mentions that there is no way for Remus to be given guardianship and Remus doesn't react well. Then again, neither does Regulus... at least to the mention of correspondence and the destruction of such.

Harry Potter's animagus form is leaked by Colin Creevey. Reactions vary but Remus is quite grateful for the company. Most chuckle at Harry as a, err, bird. More specifically, he's a teeny tiny sparrow that is really cute! Moody, however, hands Harry back his "magazines".

Kingsley remembers when he was recruited into the Order by Moody. A note from Barty Crouch Jr is found at a crime scene. The reason for Yaxley joining the Death Eaters is explored.

The Prewett Brothers' obituary is posted. The Fred thread is moving but the Augustus thread had me sniffling.

Bellatrix was pregnant? Case files about Fenrir Greyback and Bill's medical records about his injuries in the battle at Hogwarts. Gilderoy Lockhart writes a diary entry. Lily writes a letter to Harry to be delivered on his 17th birthday.

Draco makes a list of poisons. Speaking of poisons - Rodolphus Lestrange has a memory of collecting poisons as well. Barty/Gilderoy?????


Let's start this week's recap on a romantic note, with James's poem to Lily that I'm sure everyone's a little jealous of. Some people don't have such nice things going on, but really I can't agree with James that walking in on those two was a bad thing.

Well, Snape certainly agrees with me on that one, though perhaps for different reasons. Morag MacDougal then makes a post about her apparent dislike for the dressing room, and Hermione talks about her need for a new schedule. And Helga is around! Her post is a little distressing, though it's Rowena that's worrying everyone. Those crazy Foundresses, I tell you. Perhaps they're the ones who stole Parvati's chocolate frogs? The world may never know.

A Lily Evans issues a call to other Lilys (and Marauders) to dicuss her (their) future, and Sirius gives the dressing room a few notes. That of course quickly turns into a Sirius-fest, which gave me my CAPLSORGASM of the day. Uh, that worked out better in my head. Aaaanyways, so. Um. SIRIUS NEEDS TO LEARN FRENCH. But James disapproves, as he needs Padfoot's assistance for something of great importance.

And just wondering - is there some kind of fountain of alcohol in TDR? It seems like there's and ENDLESS SUPPLY. If so I'd say a field trip to said fountain is in order!

~*~Thread to Check Out~*~

Well, okay, so, I find myself particularly attracted to this thread between Draco and Blaise at stoatshead_hill. :) But, you know, I know you all want to take this quiz from boywholives and dracolicious. ;) I know I, for one, would like to know how many of you have porn star potential you naughty, naughty people.

Don't see your RPG up here? Think we missed something? Send us an email at rpgprophet[at]gmail[dot]com or comment here.
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