The Last Resort panfandom rpg at Dreamwidth | now taking app's

Mar 13, 2013 11:49

Date Last Posted: First-time post for DW version of the game; LJ version advertised in 2010.
Format: Dreamwidth communities
Genre: Panfandom
Name: The Last Resort
Contact: Information and application available on mod journal, linked below, or email to resortmods AT gmail DOT com.
Website: Mod Journal
Minimum Age Requirement: 18
Deadline: None

Specific Requirements: Must have a Dreamwidth character journal or be willing to create one.
Game Description:
Originally at LiveJournal; getting a fresh start at Dreamwidth:

It could almost be a dream come true. You're standing there -- working, cooking, fighting wizards or vampires or zombies -- or maybe you're just asleep. It doesn't really matter what you're doing because you'll wind up at the same place anyway: on your back, waking up from a deep sleep you didn't know you were having, on an island far away from wherever and whenever you're from. And there's an envelope waiting for you with your name on it and a key to your very own room. It's almost like a free vacation that never ends. Not even if you want it to. The ultimate getaway. The last resort you'll ever visit.

[Game comm] | [Network comm] | [OOC comm]
Rules | FAQ | Posting requirements | Application
Characters: Taken | Reserved | Previous | Most Wanted
Locations: Housing | Main House | Village | Farm | Map
Hiatus | Suggestions | Questions

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