Alrighties folks! This'll be my away post for my next little while, since even though I'm not heading out of town until Tuesday I'm not sure how much I'll be online tomorrow, erk. I'll be off for 3 weeks, and then in and out with little things the week after that. I'll be updating my personal LJ when I can, but I won't be able to get online to play for about the next month. :s
In the meantime my pups will be:
_kementari: taking lots of relaxing baths calmly appreciating nature. :D
_turambar: enjoying spending time with his (whole, new) family and hoping his wife doesn't get herself killed too much. :S
tar_aldarion: also enjoying spending time with his family (<3) and trying to piece together the political situation in light of recent events. :s
lady_nellas: hoping Fin and Turco patch things up and catching up on back issues of What Crossbow. o_0
So if I don't see you over the next day or two, have a good June! Catch you on the flip side.