
Feb 14, 2008 21:59

Who: Ron and Hermione
When: February 14, 2007
Where: Their flat
Status: In progress
Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: Hermione is less than pleased when she receives her Valentine's gift.

"At work, Ron!" Hermione cried the instant she arrived home. She had the roses in her arms and the box that he had sent her earlier that day. Her cheeks were red and her ( Read more... )

ron, narrative, hermione

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ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 03:25:09 UTC
Ron hadn't expected her home that early. He'd taken off an hour early from work to do some shopping. Unfortunately, it seemed every other bloke in West London had chose to do the same- making it difficult to get the things he needed AND get home and start dinner in time. So, after laying out preperations upstairs, Ron had quickly come to the kitchen- only to make a sodding mess of everything. When she arrived home, he was in full panic, the closing his eyes and waiting for it as he turned to greet her- only to be smacked in the head with his gift.

He'd expected her to lay into him for the fact the kitchen was a disaster. Food stuff's everywhere (that would teach him to attempt to cook with Muggle devices), pots piled in the sink- and a foul odor coming from the disposal. He had not, however, expected to be hit in the head with the box. Blinking in confusion, Ron's self-defensiveness kicked in and he immediately opened his mouth to counter, ears red and eyes darkening. "Oi! Wha's wrong with at work?! I thought you wanted a surprise!!" He blinked, hoping that was what this was about- he'd interrupted her precious work schedule.

Ron was covered head to toe in flour, his cheeks dark from soot, and the apron he wore covered in..well, an unidentifiable substance.


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 03:38:32 UTC
Hermione gaped at him. "Ronald!" She stepped back and looked him over, then the kitchen, realizing for the first time what a mess he'd made of the flat. She'd just cleaned it that weekend. She couldn't even mention the kitchen yet. One thing at a time, she told herself. Lingerie first, kitchen later. She almost threw the box down on the kitchen table in her rage, tugging off her coat and leaving to hang it up. Crookshanks had come to greet her near the door, and now his bushy orange tail was poking out from underneath the couch- there was no way he'd get in her line of fire.

"If you think it's perfectly appropriate to send somebody undergarments to their workplace, then I suppose it would be fine for me to send you a nice, bright red pair of knickers tomorrow, complete with suspenders and fishnet stockings? Oh, and I'll send flowers with them, too, get everyone's attention, so every employee at the Ministry can crowd around you as you open the box! How does that sound, Ron?"


ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 03:46:07 UTC
Ron blinked, gaping then glaring. That's how it was going ot be?! Fine! He'd fire back. Following her, he undid the bloody apron and tossed it to the floor, shouting right back. "That's not even bloody comparable!!!!! First off, I thought you'd like something nice, and second- it's not my fault you opened it in front of bloody everyone!!! How was I supposed to know you'd show off your knickers to the whole, fecking department!" His eyes were on fire and he was glaring down at her.

He knew this was a horrible idea. He'd kill Harry for it later. His eyes darted to the furball under the couch as if daring the feline to try and get in the middle of all this. He'd been glaring at Ron all day as he tried to cook- fecking cat. "That's the last time I ever do anything to surprise you again, how's that!?"


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 03:56:46 UTC
"What did you expect people to do? Everyone always gathers around the person with the presents. You should remember as much, every time a Gryffindor got an owl package, you were right up there to see what they got!"

She moved to the apron and picked it up, setting it in the sink. Whatever it was that was on it, she didn't want it all over the floor. "Look, Ron, it's not that I don't appreciate the gift, but... honestly! At work?!" she looked around the kitchen. "And what did you do in here?!"


ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 04:03:26 UTC
"Oi, I knew that- but it's fecking VALENTINES DAY! You should expect something like..THAT- And I tried to make you dinner!" He all but screeched, rolling his eyes as she picked up the apron. He had an idea just to toss it back on the floor in spite of her. In fact, that's exactly what he did. Taking the apron out, he tossed it on the floor, muck and all, raising an eyebrow for her to protest. And when she dared to even open her mouth, he took out a pot..and poured whatever goop was in it right on the floor, tossing the pot with it and defiantly waiting for her to say something.

Of course, Ron knew it was the worst possible thing he could do at the moment, but..he was mad! He'd worked hard on this, and she had given him not even a bloody thank you!

She didn't even get HIM anything! Oi, Ron regretted going through the effort now, realizing that not only did it really not matter, but it had done anything BUT help.


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 04:13:53 UTC
He did not . . . Hermione glared even more menacingly than before and took out her wand, hopefully scaring him into thinking she was just a swish away from conjuring some birds. She held it at her side, ready to clean up the goop, which, she was sure, might have been very good, if he had not tried to cook.

"What are you?" she demanded, flicking her wand at the mess, though not to clean it up. "Four? I'd expect this from a toddler, not a grown man." On the contrary, Hermione had done something for him for the holiday, but now that he'd went and pulled that, she wasn't going to give it to him, not without a proper apology.


ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 04:20:40 UTC
"Don't. You. Dare!" His eyes were threatening and he glared menacing at her, reaching into his back pocket for his own wand. He'd never hex her, of course, but that didn't mean he couldn't wave it about as she had. His own wand pointed at her for a moment, as if to threaten then moving it toward the stove. Oh, if she tried anything, he'd have his back up ready.

"Yeah, well I'd expect a toddler would at least appreciate someone doing something NICE for them, huh!?" He could act immature if she wanted- though the smell of something burning and smoke wafting from the stove quickly drew his attention.

A cloud of black had grown over the appliance and Ron almost expected it to burst into flames- well, it did. At least the inside did. Oh, this was NOT happening! "Fecking, hell! Aquamenti!" A jet of water spouted from the end of his wand over the oven, of course splashing Hermione in the process, not that Ron cared at this point.


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 04:27:56 UTC
She glared at him when he pulled his wand out, even more than before, as if it were possible. She wasn't going to put her wand away, though, and when he pointed it at her, a look of fear very briefly flickered through her eyes. He wouldn't hurt her. She knew he wouldn't. Even he knew better than that, and she knew that she could easily hex him across the room before he could even begin to speak the words for his hex.

He was quickly at the stove, though, and Hermione shook her head with disbelief at what he had done. She could have screamed, she was so frustrated. She watched him for a moment, debating whether or not she should help him, but then figured that if their flat burn down, it would just be one more thing that she could blame on him. She stomped off and flopped down on the couch. Crookshanks guessed that it was safe for the moment and hopped up, carefully, moving onto her lap and rubbing his head against her hand comfortingly. She kissed the cat's head and sighed.


ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 04:31:55 UTC
Ron was quick alright, turning his attention to the stove and letting her storm out as he hissed trying to move pots away and burning himself in the process. It wasn't hard to get the fire under control, though he did splash a bit here and there, burning himself more and yelling out in frustration. What the hell had happened? How did his nice dinner turn out like this?!

A few minutes later, Ron was stepping out into the living room, glaring at her and her dumb cat, arms crossed and teeth clenched. "So that's it?" he waited for her to answer, or even look at him. "You're just going to shout out then go crying to the fecking cat? Again?"


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 04:53:47 UTC
"Do I look like I'm crying, Ronald?" she said angrily. Crookshanks felt Hermione tense up the moment Ron spoke, and before he could even get a word out, he was back underneath the sofa, his tail poking out again.

"I already told you, Ron, it's not that I don't appreciate what you've done for me, I just don't understand what came over you to send me lingerie to my work. Besides, as far as I'm concerned, you forgot all about today until someone mentioned it at work."


ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 05:00:20 UTC
His jaw dropped as she read right through him, closing it again and glaring at her. "That's a little presumptious of you, don't you think!? Bloody- woman! How do you know I didn't plan this?! I could have purchased that thing WEEKs ago for all you know! And it's not like YOU fecking even remembered."

Ron was hurt. Even if it was the truth. With a sigh and a groan, he shook his head, marching for the door. "Forget it. Fucking forget it. I'm going to get a drink. When I get back- oh..fuck it!" He all but slammed the door open, stepping outside and into the hallway, needing to walk and a good, strong shot at this point.


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 05:24:56 UTC
Just as fast as Ron could leave, Hermione was up and running after him with a card she'd made. He was hardly down the hall when she caught up with him, grabbing his hand and stopping him.

She shoved a handmade card into his hand then stepped back, folding her arms over her chest stubbornly. "I made it years ago to give to you, but I never could." She said, looking away from him, her jaw set. It was a card she had made when she was younger, on a whim before one of the Valentine holidays at Hogwarts. She could, of course, never muster up the courage to give it to him. Now that they were married, she figured it was as good a time as any. She didn't think it was much, but she did get rather mushy inside the card, about how much she cared about him. It was dated for 1996. She added 2007 next to it and added a few more words about how much she loved him. It was sentimental, the kind of thing that made Hermione sick, and she was sure that it showed a great amount of effort on her part, even if it wasn't much of a gift.


ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 05:37:05 UTC
Ron stopped, glaring coldly until she shoved the paper into his hands. And even then, he seemed lost and doubtful, looking down at it and just staring. Even as he read it over. Shite. Shite..he tried to stay angry. This wasn't right She couldn't win this easily! It wasn't fair!

"...You're cheating." He muttered and glared at her, though it wasn't nearly as harsh as before. "And it's not fair!" He sounded more like a whiny child than a grown man. "Fuck..oh, fuck it!" Ron rolled his eyes and before she could utter a word, he was kissing her. Hard, like he'd done the first time, arms around her waist all but lifting her up. It was the only thing he could think to do with all the emotions flooding through him. Sex or bickering. It was their best ways of communication. Or, at least it seemed to work for them.


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 06:00:41 UTC
"I am no-" but she was cut off by his kiss, something she did not welcome at first. She even tried to shove him away from her, but his kiss was too hard and he was holding onto her too tightly for her to be able to fight him off effectively. And in any case, after a few moments into the kiss, Hermione didn't want him to get away from her. The kiss did, indeed, remind her of the night she first told him how she felt.

After backing herself up against the wall, she pulled her mouth from his, her hand resting against his cheek. She took a breath and kept her eyes closed, not daring to meet his eyes, for fear of completely losing herself.


ronweasley_king February 15 2008, 06:29:36 UTC
He wouldn't have let her back away even if she tried. The heat of the argument..and the fact that he hadn't kissed her like this in ages had gathered to make it all but impossible for the man to back away now.

His arms were around her, and as she backed into the hall, he didn't even seem to notice they were in the halls. His hands had crept to her rear, hoisting her up just a few inches, pinning her there until she pulled back and touched his cheek.

Shit. He'd forgotten how beautiful she was- well..he had never really, but he'd forgotten how hot she could be when her face was flushed and her eyes were dark. His breath was heavy on her lips. "I forgot how gorgeous you were when you were being a bitch." He meant it as a compliment, though it might not have comed out that way.


hermione_aglow February 15 2008, 07:48:39 UTC
Her eyes widened a little and she looked a little shocked, surprised that he'd say that. But, it was, of course, Ron Weasley. What was she expecting? 'I love you, Hermione'? She shook her head and slid away from him once she could feel her toes touching the ground again.


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