
Feb 09, 2008 17:00

Who: Oliver, Lisa and invited guests
When: February 9, 2007
Where: Abingdon, Oxfordshire
Status: In progress
Rating: PG
Summary: A housewarming/surprise party for Lisa.

She had agreed to have the housewarming party because Oliver seemed to be so excited to have one. She only wondered why he had chosen now to have it when they had lived in their flat for about a month now. She'd never thrown or attended a house warming party before, but she didn't think they happened this late after the people had moved in. She was suspicious of his motives, especially with her birthday being the next day. She said nothing to Oliver, though, thinking that she should let him have this to be excited about. Every so often, if he looked over at her, he would probably catch her eyeing him suspiciously, as if trying to read his mind and discover his plans.

It gave her an excuse to clean, anyway. For the millionth time in her life, she was happy that she was a witch. The floor could clean up on it's own and the mantle could dust itself. She helped Oliver out a bit with the food, but she preferred not to get involved in that area sometimes. She never did learn how to cook properly.

When she was sure that she was doing more harm than good in the kitchen, she spared Oliver of having to cook and watch over her at the same time. She left and took Francie out for a walk, talking to her the entire time about what was going to go on that night. Back at the house, she plopped down on the carpet in the living room and played with Francie, telling her all about what would be going on that night, and that she should be on her best behavior, and to try not to pass gas in front of the guests.

narrative, oliver, lisa

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