
Feb 05, 2008 08:22

Who: Harry and Draco
When: February 5, 2007
Where: Malaga, Spain
Status: In progress
Rating: TBD
Summary: After weeks without communication, Draco pays Harry a surprise visit.

Draco had never felt so exhausted as he did in the past month. There had been complaints filed against Le Petit in Australia that had been so severe, his physical presence was necessary. Complaints of Muggleborns being refused entrance into the restaurant and half-bloods being treated poorly or forgotten splattered the newspapers, creating a scandal of gigantic proportions. In the end, fifteen employees were sacked and fined, one of which was Aidan, who had insisted that the entire thing was for the restaurant's well-being. And there was much spent on legal representation and a public relations manager to clean up the nasty reputation that the restaurant had gained - all of which began with a certain someone who couldn't handle rejection in a mature manner.

Then there was the rush of finding a new assistant, one who was capable not only to take on the restaurant in his absence, but to assure new patrons and former patrons that all was well. In the end, Draco had hired a woman - one who would've been sorted into Slytherin faster than you could say 'Mudblood' if she had gone to Hogwarts. She was cold, professional, and ambitious - she seemed more interested in the bonus she would receive based on her work performance than Draco himself. Draco couldn't ask for more in an employee. He was most definitely pleased, and he was sure Harry would be too as Aidan was no longer in the picture.

Harry. They hadn't talked in weeks, and it had been much too long for Draco's liking. But with his reputation and the restaurant at stake, he hadn't really had much of a choice. He was surprised at how much he missed the man, now that he had time to think about it. And now that he was ready and packed to go home, Draco wasn't sure he really wanted to go. He was sure there would be piles of paperwork waiting for him. But the most important part was, Harry wouldn't be there waiting for him. And a part of him was worried, that the silence, the lack of communication would indicate that he was no longer interested in Harry. That was further from the truth. Time for a change in plans, Draco thought.

Not three hours later, Draco found himself in Malaga, Spain. It was beautiful, and he couldn't find anything wrong with wanting to spend some time there. He was almost nervous, standing in front of the door where Harry was supposed to be living. He briefly wondered if Harry was angry with him for not contacting him or even cared to see him. The thought caused him to roll his eyes at himself; he was supposed to be a Slytherin, and his thoughts were borderline Hufflepuffish. Without waiting another moment, he knocked on the door and waited, hoping Harry would be home.

spain, harry, h/d, draco

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