
Feb 03, 2008 15:18

Who: Oliver, Lisa and an unexpected guest
When: Feb. 3
Where: Abingdon, Oxfordshire Co.
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A better forgotten part of Lisa's past comes back to haunt her

Seven years had gone by since he last had seen Lisa, and thirteen since he first laid eyes on her. She had always been beautiful, even in her school robes. Her hair was always so soft and shiny, it always smelled so good, like a delicate flower, and her curls always fell so perfectly around her face. He liked oto think that he had fallen in love with her the moment he saw her in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, rolling her eyes as two girls near her giggled and stared at Viktor Krum. She went to return to her book, but instead, her eyes landed on him. They stared at one another for a long moment and only looked away when the food was served. Little glances between the two were exchanged throughout dinner, at least until the two girls that had been giggling over Viktor noticed who Lisa was staring at and began talking to Lisa.

That was exactly how it would be for the next few weeks: little glances, little smiles and the occasional long stare, until he finally found her alone after dinner one night. The first thing she had ever said to him had been, "So, you've finally gotten tired of staring?" And from there, they spent most of their time together, as much of it as they could. They went to the Yule Ball together, and that was the night they finally became a couple. That summer, he spent most of his holiday in England, with her. Her father never liked him, but he let Lisa stay with him. He seemed to make Lisa so happy.

Everything was perfect, at least for awhile. In 1996, Vladimir Berbatov joined the Vratsa Vultures, and not too long after that, he cheated on Lisa for the first time. Things quickly went downhill after that. Though he had always been a little egotistical, he got worse when he became famous. And he had always been a bit controlling and harsh, but his guilt over hurting her, and actually liking it, made him worse. Before he- or she- knew it, he was verbally abusive, irrational and hateful. Still, Lisa hung around, even if she knew, deep down, that it wasn't going to get better. He proposed, and their wedding date came closer and closer. Lisa caught him cheating, and then she confronted him. He believed that he was justified in what he did to her. He had threatened to do so many times before, and this time, she just crossed the line.

Since then, he had not seen Lisa. In fact, he had decided that he was very much over Lisa and that she wasn't any good, that she was a slut and a bitch and deserved all of the things he did to her, that he was really a good person and that she had made him do those things. He lived with that delusion for seven years, and he lived well, until he happened to pick up the latest edition of the Daily Prophet and saw his ex-fiancee's name in one of the articles (Lisa would have commented on him actually being able to read, had she been there). She was with Oliver Wood now, she was Head Auror, and apparently, he loved her. This did not sit well with Vladimir.

Soon after, he had found her exact whereabouts. Being a rich, famous and handsome Quidditch player, he did have connections and some ways of getting what he wanted, something he never ceased to remind people, or to take full advantage of.

It was earlier in the day, and Oliver had just left to go jogging, leaving her home alone for awhile with Francie. After kissing him goodbye, she sat down on the living room floor and played with her, getting her riled up and barking. Francie's barking, however, did not drown out the sound of someone knocking on the front door.

"Your best friend is an idiot, Stinky Butt." she said, laughing. She was sure it was Oliver, and he forgot his keys or something. She came to the door and opened it, not looking at the person before she spoke again.

"Ollie, did you forget you--" Her eyes finally landed on the person in front of her, and it was definitely not Oliver. This was no nightmare, and unfortunately so. She froze in her spot and just stared at him, her heart pounding. She would have given anything for this to be a nightmare.

"Leesey," he began, smiling. He invited himself inside and looked around. Francie stood near Lisa and eyed Vladimir warily. Francie could sense Lisa's fear, and if she had noticed, she would have been more convinced that Francie was not just an ordinary Muggle dog. She took a few steps closer to Lisa and sat down, her eyes never leaving Vladimir. "Is that how you are being greeting me?" he asked.

Lisa did not look amused. She stared at him for a few more moments before finally blurting out what she was thinking. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I be paying visiting to my only girl?" he asked sweetly.

"Vladimir, what do you want?" she spoke rather bluntly. Her arms had folded over her chest, but she unfolded them, a hand reaching to instinctively touch the scar on her head before folding them again.

This wasn't going to work out as he planned, he realized. He would just have to cut to the chase. "Leesey, I been thinking ov us," he began, coming closer to her. "And that ve vere too good to be throwing out of vindow. I vant to giving you second chance, I be miss-"

"A second chance?" she interrupted him, suddenly finding her voice. "You must mean that you want me to give you a second chance. If anything, I would be giving you the second chance."

"So that means that you are vanting me back, Leesey? You give second chance?" Francie promptly growled at Vladimir, earning her a glare, though it didn't shut her up.

"No, it means that you're the one that fucked up and if I should ever be so daft as to consider being with you again, I would be the one giving second chances. Not you." she said, her arms falling at her sides once she finished.

She was already frustrating him, and he had to stop and take a breath before continuing. He reached for her hand, and Lisa froze. She had imagined many times that she would beat the living shit out of him if this ever happened again, but now that it was happening, she could hardly breathe. And it wasn't because a single touch from him could take her breath away. It was because she was scared of him. "Leesey. You are knowing that I never stopping love you. I love you," with his other hand, he touched her face and ran his fingers along her hair. Still soft, shiny and delicate after all of these years. "Vith your hairs, and your beautiful eyes. Your skin is always being so soft to my fingers, and varm." He thought he was getting somewhere with Lisa. She wasn't moving out of his grasp. He could hear Francie growling a bit more from her spot. She was planted between them like stone, and he would have given anything to just kick the dog away. "And lips. Obicham te, Leesey. I never stop." He felt a slight protest, but his hand tightened around hers, stilling her once more. She started to open her mouth and say something, and by the look on her face, he just knew it would be a smart remark. To shut her up, he moved in and kissed her, right on the lips. He was Vladimir Berbatov, after all. He could be doing what he wished.

narrative, oliver, lisa

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