
Jan 11, 2008 17:17

Who: Ron and Harry
When: January 10th, morning
Where: Wizarding Cemetery, just outside St Ottery
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ron finally visits his father's grave and finally confronts Harry.

Don't Do Sadness )

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potterglow January 12 2008, 03:10:24 UTC
Harry had decided not go to Arthur's grave. He had struggled with the decision for more than two weeks. There hadn't been a year when he didn't make the visit, but being he thought that being in Spain, and the events that had made him, in part, leave merited not going. Still, he found himself in St.Ottery.

It was a cold morning, almost as cold as it had been 9 years before and he cast a warming spell, even though he knew it was almost futile. He rearranged his scar while he walked to the place where he'd find the grave. He could still remember the pain he had felt when they wouldn't accept his help for buying the headstone. After all, he really wasn't part of the family, and he knew that. It still hurt, though.

It took him a while to notice the lone male figure that stood in front of the grave, but as soon as he did, he recognised him. He made a full stop. His first impulse was to Disapparate, because he didn't know if it was the first time that Ron had been there, but he suspected as much, and didn't want to interfere. At the same time, he didn’t want to go, he wanted to be able to pay his respect, so in the end, he settled for waiting until Ron was finished. He walked until he was closer, but not enough that he could hear the "conversation", he wanted to give the other man his space. He didn't hide either.
He was at plain sight and it would only take Ron to turn his head to see him. Bracing himself against the cold, that seemed more cutting all of the sudden, he waited.


ronweasley_king January 12 2008, 03:19:02 UTC
And there it was again. That feeling that he was being watched that lingered before was stronger now, and Ron instictively turned his head midsentence to find himself face to face with the very subject of his conversation. And he froze, staring in disbelief as Potter stared back. The shock only lasted a moment though before Ron glared and looked down again, muttering. "Speak of the devil. Sorry, Dad..."

He sighed and turned back to Harry. "Just..gimme a bit, yeah? I'm about finished." He called to the other man. Ron didn't quesion why Harry was there. He knew. He just didn't want to fight. Not today and not in this place.


potterglow January 12 2008, 03:22:32 UTC
"It's all right. Take all the time you need. I'm not in a hurry," he said to Ron with a shy smile.

Harry couldn't deny that he was a bit surprise at Ron's calm attitude, but then again, he was always respectful of his parents.


ronweasley_king January 12 2008, 03:30:55 UTC
Ron eyed Harry's smile for a bit then turned back to the gravestone. He cleared his throat and went on. "Anyway....I um...m'sorry. Again...but, I'm going to come back, alright. Soon.." He took a breath and touched the grave, dropping his hand again and standing straight. A quick cough and Ron was walking back over to Harry, hesitating a little before meeting his old friend's gaze.

"So come here a lot?" It was an awkward question..but the most civil Ron had been to his best mate in months.


potterglow January 12 2008, 03:34:57 UTC
Harry scratched the back of his neck and while he didn't avoid Ron's gaze, he made sure not to look challenging.

"Well, um, a couple of times. I mean, I used to, when I was still living in London. I haven't been since last I visit with Molly. You?"


ronweasley_king January 12 2008, 04:01:44 UTC
Ron sensed Harry's discomfort. He was still hesitant to talk a lot, afraid that should he tempt fate, they would just end up hexing one another to bits this time.

"First time..", Ron muttered, looking down in embarassment. "I um...things have know.." He knew there was no excuse for his actions, but he felt bad enough. "How..I mean, did you see her yet?"


potterglow January 12 2008, 22:47:10 UTC
Suddenly seeing Ron so embarrassed made it all better, not because he harbored any bad feelings toward the man, but because it made Harry feel like he was in front of his best friend once again.

"Yeah. I-I haven't, actually. I'm kind of scared," he said with a nervous chuckle, "I didn't, well, I didn't know if you and Hermione, well, I couldn't make it to Christmas, so I'm guessing she'll have one of those, I-don't-know-whether-to-chastise-or-hug-you moments, and well, I still don't know if I, well..." he bit his lower lip. "I should do, I don't know when I'll be back to England and well."

"Do you, um, does she knows? About Hermione."


ronweasley_king January 13 2008, 00:13:07 UTC
"Right..", he trailed off, glancing voer his shoulder at the grave then back down. Anywhere but his old friend's face. Something about himm..he just didn't want to risk getting made and Ron was paranoid that if he looked his best mate in the eye, he might do something he'd regret. Again.

"Huh? No! I mean...well, not yet..that's uh..sorta why I came here.." Ron dared to smile a bit, still embarassed about the situation. "I mean..I figured I'd tell him first then..see how ti goes with Mum...George is threatening to spill it himself- bloody wanker...I figured with the tome of year and all I'd bring Hermione over and well..see how it goes..."


potterglow January 13 2008, 00:35:51 UTC
He played with the hem of his shirt that was peaking out of his coat. It gave him something to focus on, and there wasn't anything he needed more at moment that to stay on focus. Wouldn't do for his mouth to run free. Even when all the things he wanted to say, he knew it wouldn't be a good move to start on that path. Ron was fidgety enough as it was.

"Well, you, I mean, I hope... It'll go well enough, I gather. You know Molly loves Hermione and well," he paused, not sure how his next words would be received, but founding he couldn't help them. "She deserves it. Hermione. Not be, um, well, she is already part of the family and... It'll be all right. Where is she?" he looked around even though he knew she wasn't there.


ronweasley_king January 13 2008, 00:45:56 UTC
"She's not here." He stated the obvious, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean...she wasn't awake when I left...I just had to come here myself, first, you know?" Ron shrugged.

He finally forced himself to look up at Harry and forced another smile. "She's going to hex me to bits, you know. Soon as I tell her. Heh, it'll be a small miracle if m'stlil alive after tonight. If I still go...bugger, Mum doesn't even know we're coming."


potterglow January 13 2008, 00:54:12 UTC
He laughed. It was an awkward laugh, but a laugh nonetheless and it felt wonderful, because he had been sure he would never share a laugh with his friend. He returned Ron's gaze and let a smirk curve his mouth.

"Maybe I should go and visit before you. After all, I don't imagine it'll bode well for me. She'll find that I was at the ceremony," he shook his head, "we are all going to have a new one, aren't we?"


ronweasley_king January 13 2008, 03:53:03 UTC
"Ha, nice try." Ron grinned at Harry. "I mean, it was hard enough getting you there the first time- Mum will insist EVERYONE comes and make it a big, bloody deal and..oi. I don't think I could survive that, even if I DID live through telling her we already went through this." He paused for a moment, standing straighter and nodding.

"Yeah, you're right. You go first- in fact, maybe you can break it to her and me and Hermione can just go to America now and hide out?"


potterglow January 14 2008, 01:38:06 UTC
"Oh no no no. What happened to we are together in everything, Harry. Honestly! I'll make you a deal. Let's all go together and work our trio magic on Molly. If that doesn't work, we can always tell her she can't harm the parents of her future grandchildren. And if she still looks like she's about to hex you, then we tell her about any moving overseas plans. I don't see how that will actually help, but it's worth a try," Harry joked. He sobered quickly, thinking that those kinds of jokes would be great for long time, been-through-everything-together best friends, and he frankly couldn't say what they were anymore.

Then he realised that while he had come up with a whole plan to save both Ron and Hermione's life, he didn't think about his own.

"What do you mean? America? Are you, is that a joke?" he asked with a frowned when he thought about Ron's words.


ronweasley_king January 14 2008, 02:09:55 UTC
Ron actually chuckled at the idea, picturing in his mind how his mum might react to that one. Well, really, it wasn't that funny because he knew that it could happen in real life- it WOULD happen if they didn't do this right. Mulling over the diea of going as a trio, Ron crossed his arms and scratched his chin. "Maybe...but then, she might just hex all of us at once for not showing up for a long time and then accuse of of ganging up on her.

And then...Harry brought up the subject Ron hadn't meant to bring up for a while yet- or at all with the man in front of him. But, his own tongue had slipped and nwo he had to explain. Looking down he nodded, trying to find how to put it. "I...yeah, well, don't mention it to Hermione yet, will you? I haven't exactly had a chance to talk it over wit her but there's an offer..or..there was one- an opening overseas I was considering..."


potterglow January 14 2008, 02:26:54 UTC
Harry blinked, not knowing what to say or think. In the end he realised there was really nothing he could say. After all, he was living in another country altogether. Yet, he couldn't deny that the idea of his friends moving to another continent was troubling for him, even if he could understand perfectly what could drive a person to take that kind of decision.

"I-I won't say anything to Hermione. Actually, it would be best if she didn't know that I know. Then it would be the two of use ganging up on her. And somehow I find Hermione scarier," he smiled sadly, "you would've thought that with all the dark wizards we fought..." he bit his lower lip.

"Is everything all right? I-I thought that you, well, you worked so hard for your job, to be, well, head of the department."


ronweasley_king January 14 2008, 08:58:00 UTC
Ron chuckled at the mention of his wife being more fearce than the dark wizards the one thought. He was right...she could be right scary at times, and Ron gave him a small nod. "Yeah, that's sort of my point. She finds out and m'a dead man, aren't I?"

His smile faded again when Harry went on about his job, and Ron almost thought his old friend sounded disappointed at the prospect of them leaving. "Yes...I did." He sighed. "'s great- was, at first but...I don't know. Recently, its just become stressful. The money is good, but with all the new reforms in the department...I don't know. I'm not sure that I like it anymore..and they offered me a position overseas and..well, I've been considering it for a while, I guess."


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