Email: Harry to Hermione, Lavender, Seamus, Luna, Lisa

Nov 15, 2007 14:28

To: Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan, Luna Lovegood, Lisa Turpin, et als [Addresses Concealed]
From: Harry Potter [Address Concealed]
Subject: As promised.
Attachment:  map.doc

Okay, you lot, I found a place so I'm letting you know. It's in Malaga. I've sent the address and a map. It's a Muggle house, but I can connect to the Floo, which I'll do some time next week and there's a mixed town closeby. Fortunately my wireless connection works, only have to call contact Muggle Magic to change my service plan and I'll be set.


spain, harry, email

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