
Nov 08, 2007 18:37

Who: Oliver, Lisa
Where: Oliver's flat, then a date
When: November 8
Rating: PG-13?
Status: In progress
Summary: Oliver and Lisa celebrate her recent promotion ( Read more... )

narrative, oliver, lisa

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bright_lisa November 9 2007, 00:40:08 UTC
Lisa knew she had taken too long to get ready, but she couldn't decide on the green dress or the white dress. In the end, the green dress won, and she fixed her hair and make-up quickly. She grabbed her coat and a matching green clutch and apparated to his flat.

When she arrived, she didn't see him anywhere. So, she decided to wait for awhile. She thought she heard something, though, so she followed the noise... Only to find Oliver at his desk, with Francie laying on the floor next to him. She smiled and stood on her tip-toes, careful not to let her heels hit the ground, so she could sneak up behind him.

Whether or not he really didn't know she was there, she didn't care. She moved up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his temple.

"Did I catch you on your way out for a date, Oliver?"


woodatdawn November 9 2007, 00:46:05 UTC
"Mmmhmm," he said before turning in her arms and standing to hug her to him. "She just got promoted, and I'm takin' her out tae a fancy dinner." He kissed her soundly before stepping away from the desk and pulling back to look at her. "And here she is, lovely as always." He grinned and let her go, squeezing her hand before turning for the restroom. "Jus' let me go tae the rest room and we're off," he turned from her before calling over her shoulder. "Ye can give Francie a treat, I ken ye want tae."


bright_lisa November 9 2007, 02:35:10 UTC
She hugged him back, feeling more excited than ever, seeing him in his suit. He looked wonderful, gorgeous and perfect. Her Ollie. She wondered if he would wear a suit or a kilt if they got married.

Her daydream was interrupted, though, when she felt Francie nudge her hand. She smiled down at her and crouched, petting her for a moment.

"You want a treat, then?" Her ears seemed to perk up at the question, and Lisa laughed, taking it as a yes. Francie followed her to the cupboard and Lisa smiled down at her, picking the biggest treat in the bag.


woodatdawn November 9 2007, 03:40:15 UTC
Oliver put on a bit of cologne in the bathroom before washing his hands and returning to Lisa in the living room. He saw her with Francie and smiled. He was glad Francie was finally getting more attention than just him. She was a good dog and he always felt wretched when he was too tired to walk her, or when he'd been in the wheel chair.

He smiled to Lisa before grabbing his coat and shrugging it on. He reached for his scarf next, before turning to her and taking her hands in his. He bent his head to hers and placed a soft kiss on her lips before pulling back with a smile. "Sorry, didna say a proper hello." He grinned a bit before continuing, "So, where are we going?"


bright_lisa November 9 2007, 03:51:07 UTC
She smiled, pulling her coat on. Just as she got it on, he took her hands. She kissed him back happily, then shook her head. "Any place that will appreciate our nice clothes."

Out in the hall, she stopped him, pulling him to her for a long moment, kissing him. "You look gorgeous, you know." she said, staring up into his eyes. "And that means a lot, coming from someone as high up and as important as myself."


woodatdawn November 9 2007, 03:59:57 UTC
He had begun to smile at her compliment, an embarrassed flush rising on his cheeks. However, at her following words, he turned his head and closed his eyes, a laugh crossing his lips in a loud, bright manner. He had to take a moment to catch his breath before he could finally catch his breath and open his eyes. "No, no, no," he said to her, kissing her quickly. "I'm the one who's s'posed to be full of himself!"


bright_lisa November 9 2007, 04:30:32 UTC
"Oh, but Oliver! I am sure I will be in the Prophet now! Rita Skeeter will want to get all the dirt on me that she can possibly think up." She kissed his lips and pulled him towards the stairs, going down them slowly, but not too slow as to make him notice. She was never too sure if it hurt him terribly, walking down the stairs.

"I'm sure she'll cook up a wonderful story. I can see it, really... 'After a brutal duel between the two, Lisa Turpin not only gets the man of her dreams back from Harry Potter, but she steals his job as well! In his heartbreak and humiliation, Harry Potter disappears. Only three days pass, though, and he is found in the States, out cold in a Muggle hospital after an attempt to take his own life! For the rest of this intriguing report, turn to page six.' And I can see her giving me terrible nicknames, like 'Lisa Turpentine'"


woodatdawn November 9 2007, 04:55:18 UTC
"Rita Skeeter is going to get what's coming to her one day," Oliver said and kissed Lisa's cheek with a small smile. "Tha' new writer was pretty good, don't ye think?" he queried, raising his eyebrow at her before turning back to the stairs. It didn't hurt to go down stairs, but it was always a bit more difficult than going up.


bright_lisa November 9 2007, 05:31:44 UTC
"Brilliant--" she said, shaking her head. "He was brilliant. He really put Skeeter in her place... The rubbish bin, obviously, and he was so very blunt... I was especially impressed with the point he made concerning the Goblin protests at Gringott's." She looked over at him, then back down to the stairs.

"Avery... Avery something, wasn't it? I've never heard of him. He must be my age, though, if he knew both you and Harry in school, and most likely, he was a Gryffindor. Amazing courage, really, to stand up to Skeeter-- and to do it so eloquently-- not that she is one to be feared, but who would want their name plastered across the front of tomorrow's edition?" She squeezed his hand affectionately and let go, tying her coat so it hugged her close. "And did you notice that you haven't heard a peep out of her since it was published?"


woodatdawn November 9 2007, 09:41:14 UTC
He listened and nodded, but didn't say anything more. He wondered what Lisa would say if- he shook his head and smiled at her softly before opening the front door open for her. He took her hand in his and headed for the Baker Street tube station. He'd made reservations for them, even though he hadn't been sure where she'd want to go. Just in case, he told himself. He hoped she liked it. The thoughts of his needing to impress her - his wanting to impress her - made him wonder how he had fallen so hard, so fast. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder then and placed a kiss on her temple. Getting to the turnstile in the tube he pulled out his wallet and handed her a small paper card to swipe in the stile.

"I got ye one of yer own, I thought ye might like it, in case ye, well, if ye want tae, I dunno, practice yer train ridin' skills or such. It's a week pass," he added the last part quickly. He smiled, but felt a bit silly.


bright_lisa November 9 2007, 22:02:10 UTC
She smiled, her cheeks flushing a bit as she took the card. Once they were both past the turnstile, she kissed his lips quickly. "I love it. Thank you." She stood against him, her back to him, pulling his arms around her middle as they waited for the train.

She was quiet for a few moments, enjoying him behind her, her head laying against his shoulder. "Do you like my dress?" she asked.


woodatdawn November 9 2007, 22:34:37 UTC
He lowed his head to rest his chin on her shoulder, gazing down the tunnel for the train.

"Och, aye," he nodded a bit. "I tol' ye green's my favorite color, righ'?" He kissed her cheek. "Well, next tae brown, of course, mo nighean donn." He grinned widely, content to hold her.


bright_lisa November 9 2007, 23:03:34 UTC
She smiled and closed her eyes, but only a few moments after she had really relaxed against him, she heard the train pull up. She opened her eyes and pulled away from him, taking his hand and letting him lead her onto the train. Tonight, she was much more tolerant and more happy to let Oliver take the lead.


woodatdawn November 9 2007, 23:43:10 UTC
It was going to be a longer train ride to the restaurant and he probably should have just apparated them, but he truly like being a bit of a Muggle sometimes - and it gave more of an excuse to hold Lisa close and just exist. The train wasn't two full so he grabbed them two seats, sitting down beside her and wrapping his arm around her shoulder. He placed a kiss to her temple and reached his other hand over to brush some hair back from her face.

"So, I suppose work was rather exciting today, promotion considered," he said with a smile.


bright_lisa November 10 2007, 00:00:02 UTC
She leaned against him, putting the paper card into her clutch. She shook her head. "No, actually, it was awfully boring." She took his hand and laid it out against the palm of her hand so his palm was facing upwards. She tracked the lines on his palm, trying to remember what any of them meant. She never did pay attention in Divination. She sighed and turned his hand over, tracing little shapes on the back of his hand. "I met the person taking my job today. Bloody pervert, he is..."


woodatdawn November 10 2007, 00:01:18 UTC
"Should I stop by and break his legs?" Oliver grinned and brought her hand up to his lips, placing a kiss against the back.


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