'Glamorous' & 'Let the Beat Control You' [Emma Watson / Katie Leung]

Feb 18, 2009 15:54

Title: Glamorous
Pairing: Emma Watson/Katie Leung
Rating: U
Word Count: 184
A/N: To be honest, this was more inspired by the femslash100 userinfo than challenge #131. "two females are in love/in hate/having sex/wanting to have sex/thinking about having had sex". It was asking to be written.
G - L - A - M - O - R - O - U - S

Katie! Katie! Katie! This way!

I turn to the left. Smile, Katie! I smile. Wave, Katie! I wave. Then I give them one last look before walking further down.

Katie! Turn to your right!

Look here!

Swirl! Twirl! Show us your moves!

The cameras flash all at once, thump, and Ian whispers in my ear. Don’t move down too quickly, he says, we want Emma to catch up with you. So I face the cameras down, I give as good as I get.

She reaches me, click click heels, and Ian pushes us together.

Emma! This way! Katie, this way! Smile girls! Shoulders together!

We stand together and pose, now glaring at the cameras, now seducing them. She’s wearing a deep red dress with just one full sleeve, which flashes in the lights. She puts her hand on my shoulder and it glitters in the corner of my eye. She’s clashing with my earrings, I think.

OK, move again, says the chaperone, giving Emma a little push.

She takes her hand off my shoulder to move away.

"Looking very glamorous tonight, Leung," she says.


Title: Let the Beat Control You
Prompt: #161 'Lemonade' at femslash100
Pairing: Emma Watson/Katie Leung
Rating: PG (bad language)
Word Count: 215
A/N: Goes with 'Glamorous'.
Let the Beat Control You

She’s dancing with Dan. They both look like they’re having the time of their life. And here I am, sitting in a corner, nursing a pathetic lemonade, shot with contraband sherry. The lights swirl round my head and invade me even when my eyes are closed. Red Green Blue White Red. At least there are no fucking cameras in here.

Come on, Katie, come and dance, says Bonnie. She’s right, I should. Maybe losing myself in the beat will help.

It’s good to dance with Bonnie; she does nothing for me, never has, she’s just a friend. A vague friend; she doesn’t know.

I dance, and the beat controls me. I lift my arms, I close my eyes, I swing my hips, I rock my body. But through the plaster of lights and paper eyelids all I can see is her face laughing, her body swaying, that little red skirt bouncing like her hair. My mouth is dry, but somewhere else isn’t.

I stay on the dancefloor, trying to press myself into as many people, go blind with the flashing, become a noise. But I spot her leaning against the wall, taking a swig of that same crappy lemonade. I look at her face and I hate it, because that’s what I must look like.


X-posted to femslash100 and hp_girlslash

[c] katie leung, [c] emma watson, [p] emma watson/katie leung, [f] harry potter, [a] sprawling_song

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