model madness

Dec 07, 2006 10:06

Title: Sugar Rush
Fandom: America’s Next Top Model: Cycle 4
Rating: PG
Pairing: Kahlen/Christina
Word Count: 1,177
Summary: What did Christina actually do to deserve Kahlen’s shaving cream prank? Femslash. Can’t say I didn’t warn you!!
Disclaimer: Don’t own them. They own themselves. And this whole fic, of which the characters are actually real, is FICTION.. So don’t go thinking that this actually happened.. Thanks people! Hope you read it!

Feedback: Like it? Review?


I was hungry. Starving, to be exact. And maybe that was because I didn’t eat dinner. So I got out of bed and tip-toed to the kitchen, careful not to wake any of the other girls up. When I reached the kitchen, it was freakishly dark and I hurried to turn on the lights. No camera-men were there, like they usually were, so it was quite a relief that nobody could catch me sneaking in a midnight snack. When I was absolutely sure that the coast was clear, I opened the fridge and took out a cup of yoghurt.

Just as I was savoring the first bite of berriness and milk, one of the other girls came in the kitchen. Kahlen looked like she just woke up; it was quite cute to look at. Plus, the way her eyes widened up in surprise. I guess she didn’t expect to find me here.

Seeing that I had my mouth full of yoghurt, I give a nod in acknowledgement. She grins back and suddenly, I gulp down all that yoghurt.

“You’re up late.” She says while walking to the fridge.

“I just woke up.” I answer defensively. Man, I just know that she saw through that. To be honest, I was craving for sugar the moment my head hit the pillow.

“No. I just woke up. You on the other hand, are up late” she playfully scolds me. She takes out a can of Reddi Whip and sits next to me on the counter.

“I was hungry.” I mumble through half a mouth full of yoghurt. I look at her apprehensively. She was shaking the can.

“Yeah, it’s real evident.” She jokes, her eyes falling on the cup of yoghurt in my hand.

I laugh nervously, rather, I was laughing because I was actually enjoying this. Banter always amused me.

“In fact, you should try this thing…” she starts.

I lean in, eager to hear her piece of advice.

“It’s called dinner…”

She delivers it so well, punch-line and all, that I can only roll my eyes at her.

“You’re such a smart-ass.” I say, not being the least bitter.

“Why, thank you.”

Then she finally sprays some whip cream in her mouth. She grins at me, her lips tainted with the stuff. I open my mouth for another spoon of yoghurt and I thoughtfully left the spoon in there, for some strange reason. My thoughts exactly?

Well, the whip cream directly from the can to the mouth thing usually kind of disgusts me. But the weird thing is… I actually kinda like seeing her do that. Maybe it was because of the way she licks her lips after she swallows. Or the way she catches me staring with that smug smirk on her face. I can do nothing but slowly pull the spoon out of my mouth.

“Want some?” she asks while shaking the can again, seductively (I meant she shook it so the can was seductive).

“Fine.” I hear myself say. I hold my hand out and she hands me the can. It was a long time since I’ve touched these Reddi Whip cans. Diets made you think that dairy products had the Ebola virus or something. I felt silly, fumbling with the can for a few seconds before I finally asked

“How do you…” I couldn’t even finish it. I was always accustomed to know what I was doing. I always knew, but now, well I didn’t know how to get the cream out of the can.

The next thing I know's that the Reddi Whip can, with my hand holding it, was already in her much longer hand. It just felt weird… and nice and her hands were so soft...

“You just push the-” she suddenly stops. I catch that she just realized that if we did, push the nozzle I mean, the whip cream would go into nobody’s mouth and that would be such a waste.

“-Wait! This won’t work.”

God, she had common sense. I was surprised on how I was able to read her actions.

She takes the can away from me and gives me very simple instructions.

“Just push the nozzle here… See?”

I feel like a kid. Well, who am I kidding? Kids were better off than I was because they knew how to work with a Reddi Whip can. To them it was as easy as pissing their teachers off.

“Oh.” I say, slowly figuring it out, signaling that I was ready to do a hands-on test.

She hands the can to me, and judging by her dorky smile, she assumes that me handling the thing was safe. With the last bit of dignity I have, I press the nozzle timidly and out comes the whipped cream, spraying right into your mouth.

“I forgot how much fun this was.” I say, revealing my naivety.

She looks at me like I was 20 years older.

“Man. That just sounded like you were 40.”

Then she’s face-to-face with my ‘death glare’.

“Kidding!” she quickly adds.

“Whatever.” I say, spraying some more Reddi Whip in my mouth. Hmm... I better not get used to this. I seriously don’t want to become like Keenyah. The thought makes me shudder. But with the fluffy stuff on my tongue, I was able to concoct the most diabolical plan in the universe…

“Um… I think I broke the nozzle…”

She shifts her playful gaze from me to the can.


“See. Nothing’s coming out.” I hold up the can to her, pretending to push the nozzle and she leans in to check out the so-called ‘damage’.

“Nothing looks wrong…” she frowns, clearly fazed. Well, sorry Kahlen, but something was wrong, that my finger was still on the nozzle and that it’s about to do a creamy, in-your-face, facial on your poor, unsuspecting soul.

Pfffuuussssssssssssssshhh… Shhhhh… Shhhhh… Shhh…

Four sprays were all it took, and now her whole face was covered. Man, this was even better than throwing a pie at her (I should try that some time), way, way better. She opens her eyes and I see her two shocked orbs of blue among the white cloud. And as I stare into them, I can tell that she couldn’t believe what had just happened.

Yeah, well I couldn’t either. But hell, it was a good thing though, because I wouldn’t have had to lick some of that Reddi Whip off of her lips.

And she just sat there, Reddi Whip on her face (Ehem, except her lips I mean), ears red (she was blushing so damn hard) and blue eyes questioning me silently.

“Night, Kahlen.”

That was all I could say as I left with my cup of yoghurt (it lasted a whole ten minutes!). I was fishing for reasons as to why I did what I just did. Well, I haven’t come up with any as of now but all I know is… that whip cream tastes so much better on her.

It’s a fact. I went a little overboard with the sugar-rush.


Guys, how was it? Comments are very much appreciated.

[c] christina murphy, [a] stratocaster24, [c] kahlen rondot, [p] christina murphy/kahlen rondot, [f] america's next top model

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