I bought a unicycle. My legs are horribly bruised!, but I'm learning to ride it. More on this later.
Carolyn, Ron and I went to the MCA, Millennium Park, and attempted to find the Dairy Queen. My cell phone went AWOL, but was recovered the next day. More on this later.
Helen and I spilled several dollars of pennies all over the floor of the Ratner Women's locker room, then sheepishly presented them to Jonathan in two very ripped zip lock baggies. More on this later.
I finished Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea. Read this book. More on this later.
I am listening to the most awesome mix CD in the entire world. More on this later. And I might threaten to burn you a copy of it if you don't believe me.
Edit (12:57):
This is the most brilliant thing I've seen in a long time. I just made it, and the cake turned out surprisingly well. Especially given that span of time between finding the recipe and eating the cake was probably just under 10 minutes.