So for those who don't know, which could basically be everyone because I've been really busy lately and kinda quiet on the internets about what's going on in my life, I move into a rental house on Friday. It's tre cool and junk.
In any case, we need help moving. If any of y'all are available, let me or
kanamai know. Starting Friday morning, we'll need help loading up the uhaul in Columbus, and once it's all packed up and junk (yes, there is furniture), then there will be a convoy to Springfield (about 45 minutes west of Columbus on I-70), which is where our house is at. And then there will be unloading and pizza and snacks and soda and lots of cleaning etc. Anyone is more than welcome to stay and the plan is for it to roll into a kinda overnight moving party (not to be confused with the actual housewarming party, which will happen at some point later after we're all set up and unpacked and junk).
But yeah, pizza and snacks and soda will be provided, and anyone who's free and willing is definitely encouraged to help. If you're free but gas expenses or the like are holding you back, let me know and we'll talk and I can probably pay for some or all of the gas and the like.
If you're up for it, just let one of us know. I have work Friday so Robyn's handling all the initial arrangements and the Columbus end of things. I'll show up sometime after midnight Friday to the house in Springfield since I get off work at midnight. And there will be much rejoicing.
Also ponies. Because, well, ponies.