New interview from 15 a 20 magazine (from @TwilightPoison)

Oct 23, 2012 20:53

Our encounter with Rob was very exciting. When he arrived to the Four Seasons hotel room, the handsome Brit was dressed casually wearing his signature jeans, white tee and baseball cap. He seemed relaxed, but we had to get to our interview immediately because we didn’t have much time.

Has Edward evolved in this final movie?
He’s definitely more relaxed than in Breaking Dawn Part 2, but as soon as Bella becomes a vampire, he loses balance. Everyting is new again. He never really understod her before, and now she’s his equal, and even then he still doesn’t get her. She’s stronger than him and she’s completely umpredictable. She’s the hyper version of who she was before. He’s trying to decipher her, and in a way it makes him seem younger. He’s very excited.

What’s it like for a man to meet a very strong woman?
In general?? (laughs)

On and offscreen, what’s your experience been like?
Everybody can be strong, it just depends who you are. I react to certain things because I’m too sensitive and I never want to offend anybody. I find it fascinating when there’s someone who’s not afraid to express their views out loud, not caring what other people say.

Is it hard to defend your position when you’re so sensitive?
Not if you know who you are. Sometimes it’s easier to be more sensitive because you’re more aware of what you’re thinking.

Have you had the chance to reflect on these four years, going back to the first film?
Yes, sometimes. I’m still young. I’m still trying to run my life, so there’s not much time to reflect. I feel like someone just put me in charge of a train that is out of control, and I’m finally learning how to be in charge of it. It’s hard to deal and accept what’s happened.

Has Twilight helped you change the way you see love? Do you think it changes through out life?
I haven’t really thought about that. I don’t think it’s changed that much. I don’t think the way you see it changes much. You make your decisions, and it depends on the person you fall in love with anyway.

Did you give advice to Kristen on how to play a vampire?
She can manage on her own.

What’s your favorite scene in the movie?
It’s this dialogue that I find hilarious. Taylor goes up to Benjamin, who can control the elements, and he’s making fire and he asks him “Are you going to play around with that all night or are you actually going to use it?” (he cracks up loudly) “but you can’t see the guy, it’s hilarious,” (he cacks up again).

That’s what we love about Rob. He’s smiley and loves to laugh. That’s why we’re Team Edward.


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