➢ As always, you may comment anonymously or logged in.
➢ ReCAPTCHA and IP logging are off.
➢ Please put the character's name first followed by the title of the series in the comment's subject line.
➢ For consistency's sake, use Western name order.
➢ As per the rule in the meme before, try not to duplicate names; it makes things easier to find if everything's in one place. However, if you believe you have a good, legitimate reason to make another entry (such manga!Ed vs. anime!Ed from FMA), you may do so.
➢ The directories for the previous
rp_advice_meme's posts can be found here:
01 -
02 -
03 -
04 ➢ I assume the
memedirectory will be doing the fifth directory. So stay tuned.
Good luck!