I assumed this is allowed, but do tell me if it isn't. ♥
I play Sasuke Uchiha -- a LOT -- and right now I have him focused in a musebox of mine,
transgenicprose, which is pretty much low-key and completely laid-back with no pressure whatsoever on the people there. Sometimes I post free-for-all threads that anyone can jump into, or I'll plan one-on-one closed logs. It all depends on the mood and what plot ideas happen between other players and myself. Sadly, I lack a Naruto, and good Narutos are terribly hard to find, so if anyone's interested, I'm into both canon and AU threads, first-person comment spam and third-person prose. I'm only into genfic between these two, though! So no yaoi. But I DO love a good fight scene. >3
If you're interested, you can reach me at my journal,
its_game_time, or at my email, teddygrahamtaichou (at) gmail (dot) com, or even on a OOC post at