Transformers Prime: RP - a Forum RPG based on Proboards
Type: TF only. We are a literate, intermediate to advanced Transformers RPG based off the first season of TFP with dashes of other incarnations sprinkled here or there. Original characters are welcome as well as canon characters from any continuity, however they must be restyled to match the TFPrime universe.
Setting: The setting is Earth, picking up after the episode 'Criss Cross' to follow along its own AU path in which MECH is a larger threat to both Cybertronians and Humans alike.
With MECH capturing and brutally experimenting on Cybertronian kind, Autobot and Decepticons alike have been forced to create a temporary truce lest their numbers be slowly picked away. With arms temporarily halted between factions, enemies must set grievances aside and stand beside rivals in order to try to disable their shared foe.
However, all is not well on the home-front for both factions. A mysterious new illness has appeared within the Decepticon ranks and no one knows how it spreads, how to detect it and -most importantly- how to cure it. Meanwhile, with the truce in effect, the Autobots are cut off from raiding Decepticon energon mines and now face an uncertain future and rationing as their supplies quickly dwindle. Alternatives must be found soon lest they face starvation.
Types of Characters Accepted: Both human and Cybertronian (original and canon) characters are allowed. Cybertronians can be any number of their differing subtypes, from Minibots, Seekers, Carriers, Cassettes, etc etc.
Factions include Autobot, Decepticon, and Neutral for Cybertronian characters. Civilian, NEST, and MECH for human characters.
We are especially keen for Decepticon characters, both canon and original.
• Ongoing Plot-lines •
• Friendly Sociable Environment •
• Many Canons available including TFP Show Canons •
• Original characters are welcome •
Contact info:
• Our
C-box located in the left tab is open to all. Administrators are blue, Moderators teal.
• Any individual may post questions and contact administration
HERE. You do not need to sign in for this :)
Other Notes: While the setting is that of war and turmoil, we focus far more upon character interaction and development. Battles do happen, fights are a given in this conflict torn existence they find themselves entrapped within, but they are not an everyday occurrence.