Jan 06, 2008 00:47
Designation: Darkfire
Years passed since assembly: old enough to remember Beast Wars/Machines
Ways to contact me:
AIM: Darkfire Pendant
e-mail: hellsfire.scythe AT gmail.com
or just grab me at LJ
Worlds I know: Comfortable and familiar with G1, Robots in Diguise/Car Robots, Movie-verse. I know a bit of Beast Wars and Beast Machines. I'm willing to learn more about different catagories though.
Timerfame I operate in: I operate in the Central Timezone and am usually on in the evenings till midnight or so (my time)
Personas I assume: I'm pretty flexible with any character. If they're new, it'll take me a bit to get used to them, but I'm open to new ideas and OCs. I've rp'd with Wedge and Tracks before as well as OCs. Any character that you can give me info or that I can find info on to portray properly, I'll give it a go.
Personas I will NOT assume: It really depends on the situation, but I don't think I could do justice to any big leader types. Just doesn't feel quite fitting about now.
What I'm looking for: I would love some RiD roleplay, I'm guilty of wanting to bounce Wedge off of someone.
Things I'm comfortable with: Slash, het, AU, frienship, cross-over, crack, multi-partner...just toss me a line about it or we can wing as we go along. :D
Things I don't do: I can't do yuri. Slash is fine, but yuri still squicks me a bit.
Other notes: Just toss me a line any time. :D I'm up for rp or any TF chat/plotting. ^^
Also, I when rping, I would like it to be in proper English. No excessive chat-speak please. I've been spoiled by Deadzone. Heh.
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