So I realized I never actually posted an intro-prompt! Silly, me. *giggle* Also, I am long-winded, forgive me if a LJ-Cut to preserve people's FL
Designation: BitterEloquence--- El
Years passed since assembly:: 29
Ways to contact me : bitter_eloquence on msn bitterxeloquence on AIM and through gmail on *gasp* bittereloquence
Worlds I know:: G1- I run the whole gamut from Marvel/Toon/DW/IDW. Aside from that, I’ve never RP’d TF:Ani but I might be up for it. I dunno, I’ve never done it so I can’t really judge.
Timerfame I operate in: CST 10am-Midnight (I have continual internet access at work and am addicted to my computer, oh yes I am!)
Personas I assume: I am willing to try my hand at just about anyone. If I’m not comfortable picking up a character, I’ll let you know. Oh, you want details? XP Hmm….I like playing the gestalts, especially the Aerialbots, Combaticons, and would love to find a Protectobot player I’m a hardcore Mirage fan. Prowl is fun to play with though my Prowl tends to suffer IDW and Marvel’s “Unholy Prick Syndrome” My inner!Swindle is ridiculously loud and demands a lot of attention so anyone who likes the Combaticons would make me happy. I like to play Soundwave though I’ll admit I am guilty of having him having a pseudo-paternal relationship with his Cassettes. As much as a bad-ass Decepticon can care for another being of course. XP Jeeze…I’m making myself sound like I’m just a ‘con player but I’m not. I love the ‘bots just as much as the ‘cons.
Personas I will NOT assume: I’m kinda meh on Perceptor. All Hail Megatron has seriously redeemed him in my opinion lately though! I don’t feel I have a strong voice for any of the Stunticons however. I suspect my inner!Combaticons sold them off and shipped the parts to Antarctica. I don’t think I have much of a Starscream in me, unfortunately. I know it’s been said a million times before, not a big fan of Wheelie. All that rhyming is insane! That and being old-school Marvel, it hurts to watch him go from scrappy, mildly psychotic survivor wearing a necklace of sharkticon teeth to idiot kid-bot with a speech impediment, you know?
What I'm looking for: Format-wise I’m good with Email though IM would be fun but I think I’d prefer doing things via E-mail when I’m at work for fear of the boss peeking over my shoulder and looking at an IM window! I’ve been doing a ridiculous amount of live-journal RP style lately as well so that’s always a venue.
Onto the really juicy stuff. I like plots. I’m not a big “So and so falls over, scrapes their knee and needs some coddling” type of player. “So and so falls over, scrapes their knee and accidentally crushes a human bystander and things escalate from there!” is much more my spiel. I think it spans from the fact that I got my start with tabletop role-playing and LARPS. (Yes, I am that much of a geek, shush!) I love fleshed out storylines, characters that step off the page and can really just become an entity of their own in the story. I want to see hopes, fears, dreams and the more dynamic side of these alien robots who come to an organic world and have to deal with culture shock. Or seeing the Autobots when the war first starts and they have to resign themselves to revamping their entire society around war and survival of the fittest when at spark, they are a peace going faction. And on the subject of the ‘bots, I like to see hints of something more than mindless ‘good guy’ versus ‘bad guy’ etc. They’re not perfect and they have their faults just like anyone else. I’m babbling, I know, sorry!
I like romance too. I like dark, I like fluff with plot…I like to think I’m pretty flexible all things considered.
Pairings wise, yes, I’m a slasher so beware. XP If I could find a Hot Spot to play off my Silverbolt or a Hound to play off my Mirage. Even a Jazz to play off my Mirage or Prowl would be lovely. If you offer me Sentinel Prime/Prowl I’ll probably fall at your feet in never-ending slaving adoration. That pairing as been eating at me for months now but I can’t seem to find anyone who likes it. Hrrm….I’m not a big fan of Megatron/Starscream because as the latest AHM issues have shown, I always thought their dynamic was more ‘grooming the heir to my throne but you’re going to have to yank the crown out of my cold, deactivated claws’ rather than abusive!overlord and his battered!wifeStarscream. On the other hand, I loves me some Megatron/Soundwave and the messed up dynamics that go with them! I have a huge soft spot for Ironhide/Chromia though I also like Prime/Hide just because the old guys need some lovin’ too especially when the girlfriends are away. *wink* Hrmn I think the best bet is to ask me what I think of a pairing and I’ll be up-front about what I like or don’t like about them. I seriously doubt ya’ll want me to wax on and one about why I like or dislike a certain pairing. This bloody post has gotten too long as it is!
Things I'm comfortable with: General, romance, slash. I like cannon but I’m all for AU. I’m a big fan of the butterfly effect sort of take on things and watching how changing one thing can send everything spiraling out of control. I’m also up for taking ideas and plots from different genres of G1 to make a hybrid universe. As far as smut and ‘adult’ content goes, I’m up for it occasionally but please don’t make the whole thing one big sex-fest, you know? When I write smut, I typically write it from a mechanical pov, be it tactile stimulations or plug’n’play of the non-sticky variety. You will never see me write the term ‘leaking valve’ or ‘port’ or whatever interchangeable term you wish to plug in.
At the risk of sounding like an elitist, I prefer paragraph rp. I mean, sure, everyone’s going to throw out short posts every now and then. There’s only so much action you can type when a simple verbal sentence will suffice. I’m by no means a grammar nazi but some care with typing is appreciated. No one’s perfect but if you’re going to put out a three to six page post and don’t even bother to spell-check it then it just kind of detracts from the enjoyment, you know?
Things I don't do: Sticky. Sorry, not my cup of tea. I like my giant alien robots to be robots, not hiding man-bits under the kibble. XP I’m also not a humanized!TF fan. Judicious use of the holo-matter concept is one thing but out and out humanized!TFs just don’t work for me. *Points to the ‘robots being a robot’ line.
Other notes: Aside from that, I hope my long-winded post didn’t make you all run away screaming. XP I’m pretty laid-back, I’d like to think though I can be just as snobbish and elitist as other TF fans. Drop me a line, worse thing that’ll happen is we both realize we’re not going to mesh together and who knows, maybe we’ll become RP buddies! Can’t hurt to try!