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° She's a flirt, sure, but she's not a slut. Ty Lee will compliment someone, especially someone good-looking, and probably get in their personal space a bit, but she won't automatically start making out with anyone who asks. She can also play tough to get, and if she feels overwhelmed, she'll back off.
° She's a pretty sweet girl who gets really attached to her friends and is most likely going to want to beat up anyone who hurts them! It's pretty easy for that part of her to get lost in her ditzyness, I think, but it's also an important part of her personality.
° Ty Lee has attention issues! She can be sort of a show-off at times, and she'll probably snuggle up to someone who gives her said attention. If someone doesn't, I think she'd either ignore them or try even harder, depending on the situation, and I don't see a lot of Ty Lee players bringing that out! Of course, I could be totally off-base, but that's how I interpreted her issues. It'd be nice to see someone pay attention to those in rp!
I'm sorry if that didn't help, but I hope it did! Good luck!
Captcha: jockey prospect. It made me laugh.
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