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In regards to his behavior with a Ciel in the game, he's actually a fairly engaging character to play done right. Obviously he's not obedient 24/7 and his stubbornness can make for interesting interactions with Ciel, if the Ciel is bratty enough.
On the other hand, just covering Ciel interactions would get monotonous, even if they were interesting enough. If you're in a game you want to interact with more than one person, right? That's the roadblock with Sebastian. Unless he's entertaining guests for Ciel, or investigating something, he's likely to not go out seeking company. This is where I'd step in oocly and have people come to him, rather than him seeking them out. Characters that won't be put off by him politely excusing himself, or that are persistent enough to bother him.
Once you have characters established in his life, he should be less dull. Remember that a lot of the Kuroshitsuji manga is about comedy and cutesy moments, so it doesn't always have to be godmodding. There are some times when Sebastian utterly fails, in between his manipulating and martha steward godmodding. Try to incorporate things like that into his daily life, as well as his inability to deal with stupid people, to make playing him more interesting.
i'm pretty hesitant about playing him since i'm not sure i'd be able to handle a character like him, but i'll keep this in mind if i ever do try him out.
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