Fetch the scientist - tag chase_evolution

Jun 11, 2011 14:15

[Continued from here: http://rp-shadesofgray.livejournal.com/193907.html ]I stay where I am, waiting for Mohinder to catch up. I'm keeping an eye -- or more accurately, my mind -- on Gabriel, making sure that he's not up to attacking while Mohinder's back is turned. It doesn't seem ( Read more... )

(finished), mohinder - chase_evolution, matt - telepatheticme

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telepatheticme June 21 2011, 19:54:39 UTC
"We're talking now, aren't we? But yeah, I might want to go do something that's not job related." I watch the road for a minute, thinking. He's not the Mohinder I knew, but they have the same personality, even if their personal history are different. The way they behave and the pattern to their thoughts share a comforting familiarity.

Mohinder continues to talk about Sylar and I try not to pay too close attention to what he isn't saying, only on what comes out of his mouth. Sometimes that's hard to do with people, especially when my focus is split between driving and talking.

"No, I don't have to keep pushing his mind. It's self-sufficient. When I'm there, I can make him see Angela, but most of what I did was open the pathways and suggest everything else. Suggestion makes him fill in the gaps himself, which makes it more permanent and effective. He already had some in place. Some... other me had pushed some triggers in there." Wonder what happened to that one? I know he wasn't as skilled, that's about it.

"What about the Gabriel? What were you doing with him in the alley?"


chase_evolution June 21 2011, 23:47:23 UTC
"You're right, we are talking now," I admit, with a small smile. Matt's ability is fascinating, and I'm pleased to be able to hear more about it. Obviously there are some moral quandaries that it raises, but we've all pushed past those points at some time or another. And when it comes to dealing with someone like Sylar, it may be our only hope for true containment.

His question reminds me of how much I've learned today already. "Ah, that's right. Apparently, this variation of Gabriel Gray could learn abilities like Peter Petrelli does, through empathy. It wasn't exactly the same technique, but it appeared to be very close. The ability has to be demonstrated, and the emotions at the time of use have to match up. I'm not sure if more than one Gabriel could do this, but it could mean a great deal if that is the case."


telepatheticme June 23 2011, 12:35:44 UTC
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I have good instincts and I rely on my gut feelings after being a cop and after everything else I've done in my life. And what Mohinder is telling me is giving me a bad feeling, it really is. "Huh, that's interesting. Is that part of that intuitive thing they do or is it something he's picked up from someone else?"

If that's what they do, then... yeah, isn't that a bad thing? The two we have in the cells should still have their only ability intact, right? But the house is full of specials. Who've been in contact with them, like Mohinder has. I'm hoping that I'm jumping to impossible conclusions here.

Probably this Gabriel just killed some poor bastard for it and that's why he can do this.

"Was that why you were in the alley? You were sharing your ability?"


chase_evolution June 23 2011, 17:19:24 UTC
"I'm not entirely certain if it's connected to the intuitive aptitude or a completely different ability that they started with," I reply, my enthusiasm waning. "I'd had so many questions for him, but we hadn't the time. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to ask them later. But regardless of whether it's connected or not, I would imagine that most Sylars would have lost any ability they might have to empathize long ago."

Unless it were fear, hate, or anger, at least...

Matt's asking me something else, but that's when it hits me. Sylar didn't just have a death wish, he was trying to pull my anger out for a reason. Damn it, he knew about copying abilities that way. "Matt, we have to contact the Company immediately. Sylar more than likely- he stole my ability. That's why he was provoking me in the cell." I realize I'm putting a dent in the handrest and let go. Damn it.


telepatheticme June 25 2011, 17:41:10 UTC
I can hear the material of the handrest crumpling under the force of Mohinder's grip, but I grab my phone instead of complaining about that, immediately hitting the speeddial for the guard central. There's no answer, the phone just ringing out. Crap. I hate when my gut feelings are right.

"Hang on to something." I step on it, weaving in and out of traffic. Being pulled over would be incovenient, so in case some cop car comes after us I'll send them on their merry way. I could make every driver on the road get out of our way too, but I don't want to harm anyone unless I have to.

We get back as fast as I can take us there and I can already hear the panicked thoughts going on inside. "...Shit. It's too late, they're already gone." We're going to have to see Nathan. He won't be too happy and that's an understatement.

[OCC: I think this is done, unless Mohinder want to add something? Or ask Matt to whisk him away into hiding or something :D]


chase_evolution June 27 2011, 17:44:44 UTC
My mind races as he drives, my stomach dropping. Apparently, he couldn't raise anyone on the phone. What perfect timing I have, a fact that is undoubtedly going to be brought up shortly. At least Matt will know that I had no intentions of this happening.

I try to think of all the implications of this empathy ability being in other Gabriels and Sylars. The serum was only meant to remove genetically hard-coded powers- if the empathy ability is something different altogether, it may not have removed everything. They could still have abilities they've been hiding.

As we arrive, Matt's quick to figure out that they've gotten out already and I slump. If he hadn't been so busy tracking me down, he could've helped. And possibly gotten hurt for his trouble, but still. "I'm sorry, Matt." This week was certainly not looking to turn out well.

[ooc: Looks like a good stopping point to me! I'd imagine hiding would cross Mohinder's mind, but...nah. He'll ride it out, for now. >_>]


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