rp_advice_meme is a bit late with the monthly posting and apologizes for that.
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With my semester over I'm really out of practice with my Russian-influences XD; What you say is right - the order or words don't matter, just as long as you get the conjugations right (and even then folk can mostly understand non-native speakers, but... that's kind of a moot point with Chekov anyway). There's several cases and I sucked at them so can't help much with that -.-;
I can't remember much about run-on sentences.
And... canon-wise I don't know about Chekov's speaking mannerisms, I've been watching TOS for the first time since I was a kid and haven't gotten to him yet. But I do have two Russian profs on my campus and both of them do not use articles (a, the) in their English sentences, since the Russian language has no need for them. One of the two says he doesn't understand the point of having them XD; ...the funny thing is I never actually noticed until he brought it up one day, so I guess maybe they aren't really needed, eh? But yeah, whether or not Chekov is like that, I have no idea~
and I will never understand how they mix up 'v' and 'w' XDD; ... there is no 'w' sound in the first place from what I remember. Ah well.
*stops babbling*
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