Dead man walking and To the death reviews

Feb 27, 2008 23:28

Ok well as I’ve already watched this episode twice already and I’m in bed, I thought I would write a running commentary of my views of this episode....
9.00: ok “Torchwood is ready” that bit still makes me squee simply because I like the fact that it shows that they have changed from series one and also because it feels so cheesy but good cheese
9.02: why does the bullet wound look so strange? I think it’s weird, not quite right for some reason but yeah...
9:03: why is that girl not in the rest of the episode? I’m sure she would have been able to have more lines and it just seemed not pointless having her there but a bit like - oh ok then???
9.04: ahh the weevils, that just made me KNOW it was going to be all about Owen because he has ALWAYS been the king of the Weevils with or without “death” being in him
9.05: w00t Ianto in another hot looking suit and waistcoat, I swear I love that man
9.06: huzzah! The risen mitten returns, in a much needed fashion, it had to come back at some point so yeah now is best time as any, plus they couldn’t get rid of Owen yet because I need him purely for Tosh’s sanity
9.07: Owen’s realisation about the glove haha he was jokes, and ahh tosh is legend, so glad she finally said it, that made me squee so much at first! Then his anger about the code, that would be the worst reason to bring someone back ever, jack seems to be turning into Gwen a bit - the “heart” of the team???????
9.09: huzzah owen is alive, need tosh action badly! Her face confused or what? Ooh the glove is moving
9.10: Martha taking charge of Owen and the fact he’s dead, I love that woman, a fab companion!
9.10: more Ianto sarcasm, and Owen being angry about quarantine. Now Gwen is all upset, has she told Rhys about his death? How long has it been?
9.12: Owen still tries to flirt with Martha, at least he’s still Owen.... His cheesy pearly gates story haha! He still has the same sense of humour!
9.13: good side shot of Owen before he goes crazy, I thought he did that well actually as much as I dislike Owen and as much as he looks like a lizard his acting is good
9.15: ahh Tosh loves him! You bloody fool owen remember the date?? Come on you twat open your damn eyes, I know you are dead but look what’s in front of you!
9.16: classic poessed look, black contact lenses, they look damn good when you want that scary look, ah tosh is dumb bless her, I think she’s a bit love-struck. Martha off on a rant
9.17: oh look using the same alien poessed technique that they used in “day one” for the sexual energy, works well though. Oh gosh this woman is irritating, he’s not hot he looks like a lizard! She puts her hand down his pants a bit fast!
9.19: ahh Jack’s hooligan accent haha I love it, and the dirty laugh, John B can do so many buff accents
9.20: ewww the grossest scene ever! Especially when people make macros relating it to tub girl. Other then that, this scene is interesting and cute, I love the fact that he dated Prust and he was immature! I like the two parrells and forever really is overrated, I want to die young not too young of course maybe 50? Plus Jack looks hot in this scene but he usually does. And when he strokes Owen’s hair it looks so cute, I love it.
9.23: ahh tosh the stalker, bless her, she’s so in love
9.24: why is he running weird? His chest is out and his hands look too flat it looks really funny, ahh john you just encourage the dead ringers spoofs now haha!
9.26: now Owen really is the king of the Weevils, he always was and always will be!
9.27: Gwen’s “Ive got a bad feeling about this” just reminded me of Bollo in the mighty boosh, and things always get worse after somebody says that sentence
9.28: ahh Tosh “are we seriously going to act on something she’s googled” such a strange story for them to do, a bit ‘religious’ I dunno...
9.30: Owen being emo, and then Gwen with uber hugging, but I don’t mind as I know it’s friendship and not about their affair, quite a good scene TBH despite it being with my to least favourite characters of the group
9.31: ahh falmahyde, always reminds me of the panic at the disco! Song, and when we went to the natural history museum for biology last year and there were loads of animals in jars of it.
9.32: the attack of the risen mitten! Poor Martha, I think it attacked her as she’s the “guest star” and so the rest have their team roles later on, but I think it leaves a bit of a waste of the fact that she’s only in the show for 3 episodes and then she’s all old and not doing anything for a long time in this one. But I guess they did need to focus on the fact that Owen just died
9.34: risen Mitten 2 has gone and Martha got prosthetics like the doctor :(
9.36: why does Jack wake up out of breath in the SUV outside the hospital, that confuzzeled me a LOT. Love Gwen’s story about how they know old Martha, good quick thinking. Didn’t the doctor have suspicions when she noticed her clothes are young but I guess her whole body is wrinkled so anyway... I would target a hospital if I looked for people to kill....
9.39: that kid is soo going to be used in a second, oh gosh now the nurse will die, I know I’ve seen it before but even on first time viewing it’s a bit predictable...
9.40: why does he emphasie that there are 5 of them? Especially when nothing about that happens or is related to that at all, it was a pointless phrase TBH...
9.41: haha weight-watchers! Oh dear, don’t know why it made me LOL but it did...
9.42: the dead bodies are created rather well, if I was that kid I think I would be scared too bless him, in true fashion they turn up on time to save him, go Tosh/Owen it’s nice that it’s just them two together.
9.43: Jamie is too cute bless him, he’s very brave for a kid especially with Leukemia, I like the twist about the girl “Faith” at first time viewing I though Jamie was going to help Owen fight him because he was “already dead” but well, I got that wrong again
9.44: Yay Tosh/Owen finally kiss, not that good a kiss as you couldn’t see much, I thought it was sweet and he finally got it but NO! He just stole that damn gadget, I squeed at the kiss then got very angry as I was not amused!
9.46: the fight is pretty impressive, good use of CGI - the mill are great, Owen going sick haha! But somehow I can still find too many reasons to dislike him more then I like him, I’m liking Gwen more now days though, aside from all the Jack/Gwen ness, leave him alone he’s Ianto’s!
9.47: aww poor ianto left alone with nobody answering him, and then Martha’s back - totally wasted in this episode! But Ianto made such cute faces and noises when she did :)
9.48: unlike owen to want to do good, although it’s understandable. Jack’s talk about beating death, why does it end on scilence?
9.49: Argument with Tosh/Owen interesting, Owen is now useful! Interesting, must go watch now!!!

A day in the death

Ok well I quite liked the idea of the Owen voiceover, it was interesting to know what he was going through and I think it was much needed too really. That poor girl on the rooftop, I quite liked her and I liked the fact that Owen tried to help.
I thought it was very funny when he tried to make the coffee, and Ianto’s face when Jack told him that’s what he would be doing. Also the conversation about Ianto’s role in the the group and his love with Jack. I though Ianto’s reply was not only interesting but very real and yeah...
I also like how they switched the coffee’s round once owen had given them to him. Then Owen was a bastard to tosh. That really upset me, I’m such a Tosh fan that anything like that really gets to me for some reason...
She was so cute I think what he said was out of order, and she just gets on with it. I would be so upset. He still doesn’t seem to get it. Ok he knows she really does love him now but come on, think about it for a while, she’s not that messed up that she is what he said!
Err oh the jumping into the river bit was very interesting and I liked how jack was there for him when he came out. I still love jack, I don’t know how you could not.
And then Tom (I think that was his name) in the Good life was in it. (Oh I loved the music when he was in the house, very beautiful.) And he was a little like him too, just old and almost dead. But I loved his Tosh comment, I love how Tosh just gets on with things, I think part of me wanted an argument but still I like the way she deals with things. And she said “I love you” again, get the message Owen!
I also thought it was sweet that she was there for him at the end and he’s finally confiding in her, I think that’s what both of them need really. He needs to talk about things and get over well sorted out what he’s been through. But she needs to know what’s going on with him and maybe she can get over him, I don’t know???
Martha leaving: well I miss her. Personally I don’t think she was in the last two episodes enough and her time seemed mainly wasted aside from in Reset. But she kissed jack. I don’t think Ianto was really jealous, but I think he knew it was a friendly goodbye kiss. I also think Jack was very shocked lol! That was a better kiss then Owen/Tosh’s last week so I’m happy with that because lets face it - Jack kisses are always hot!

Ok so next week “Something Borrowed” (spoilers if you haven’t seen the trailer)

a shape shifter *excited much!* Gwen pregnant looks very funny, good thing Rhys knows about her job now or else it would be even more complicated then it seems it will be next week.
The wedding looks exciting, there was a picture in TW magazine and her hair and her dress looks too beautiful.
But gah! Why did she have to kiss jack! I thought their love was like a family think not like a Jack/Ianto thing what the fuck! Seriously angry about seeing that, there better be some good explanation and all this but come on! WHY NOOOO! Think of IANTO!!! This “thing” that they have created this series between Jack and Gwen is the most irritating thing about this series. Owen and Gwen and my two least favourite characters and if none of this Jack/Gwenness would have happened then I would like her a LOT more then I do now. I do like her more then last season but now she’s kissed jack I think I May have to cry!

owen, martha, gwen, tosh, captain jack, torchwood, ianto

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