now i can start making sense...

Jun 30, 2008 22:32

Ok this should be a little bit of a more coherent review then before (hopefully) now I have had time to calm down

So the episode begins and everything’s fine - from then you know it’s all going to go wrong haha! But the doctor is on the case hurrah!
I do love how happy he is at the thought of seeing Rose again though, I’m still not too sure what I think about it. I do love her but donna and martha are great too!

I do like the concept that the whole planet (along with a load of others) have been stolen. The big thing about all these worlds going missing (even in the torchwood book - something in the water) they are all dissapearing. It’s a dramatic and exciting concept and oh my gosh this episode gets better and better!

First off we have Martha Jones - promoted to New York and working just as well as always. Not too sure that I like the all in black. And I read soemthing the other day about how wrong americans sound in doctor who - even if they really are american. Not sure what it is but I think it is to do with the fact that doctor who is just SO english that anything beyond the UK (especially in terms of accents) doesn’t seem to work. But to every rule there is an exception and that is Captain Jack Harkness. And hurrah torchwood are here and looking as hot as ever! Ianto is witty and funny just like he is in the show - despite it being for children (DW that is) as well as adults torchwood seems to work very well despite not having it’s adult jokes, and everything that comes with (i.e. Emoness, sex and swearing) it manages to work so well in this ultimate crossover. Having said that I do hope that they don’t water the next series down because of this as that would take away a lot from the actual show.

Not for Sarah Jane! I do love her and despite it being a children’s show it works ever so well and is one of the few decent ones on the television. Sarah jane is the companion to beat all companions (well aside from Romana and the new 3 are a bloody equal match) and as the companion from the most iconic of DW times it is only right that she has her own show. Liz Sladen does a superb job (as always) playing SJ and will always do so - nobody can deny loving her! Luke is ok but you do have to remember he isn’t really human and then you get to understand him a little more and then he becomes a supurb actor for what/who he’s meant to be. And mr smith the greatest
computer in the world WTF!

Back to Donna’s family! How much do I love Bernard Cribbins? He is fantastic - sylvia is great but she’s not the nicest of mums but I really do hope we see a sylvia vs. Jackie in the next episode lol! And then there’s Rose with her big ass gun FTW!

I love how fast the Main names have to move to fit everyone in - sorry but that cracked me up no ends! I think I squeed at every name that came up in that so many awesome people - including Penoeple Wilton!

The Shaddow Proclimation! So glad we finally found out what it was and the Jadoon are pretty cool - that main woman is a bit odd not sure if I like her.

I love how Ianto was watching Paul O’Grady haha! Russell does like to have a good few cameos in his finale’s doesn’t he? I also love how gwen is phoning Rhys as it shows that just because not all who fans watch TW the ones that do can still get a lot of satisfaction out of it if that makes sense. And then there is the brief drop of the Sarah Jane friends (maria and clyde).
I find it funny that aside from the people stealing laptops nobody seems to care that Rose has some massive gun with her. I love how jack met a soldier in a bar and Ianto is jealous!

The sound of “exterminate” over everything was simply amazing! In a way it made me laugh but all of them know what it means and how deadly they are, they reactions are wonderful especially SJ who saw them created!

The mill have done the most fantastic job in this episode and the graphics are simply wonderful. Especially the view of all the plants in the sky and the medussa cascade.
I do love the jadoon speaking but then hello tardis translator I want to know what they said damn it! I love Donna and how she speaks up - she really is every bit as relavent as time lords, she is simply the smartest person ever! I have so much love for her I don’t want next week to arrive simply because I am so worried for her.

I love how the daleks destroyed the valient there are so many past references this I love it. Russell knows how to make a fangirls heart go crazy. I am glad Martha got home ok as I was quite worried when Jack said she was dead. The key is a big deal I’m sure - I don’t know what it is but I reckon it must be linked to Donna and of course saving the world somehow.... I also love jack’s passion and how angry he is that Martha used project indigo when he knew it wasn’t perfected.

Davros - that was a bit a a surprise when I found out a week ago that he was returning. The whole thing about Cann going into the time war was amazing. It also leaves a whole new hope that the time lords will return somehow someone can bring them back. I love how cann has lost his mind and that creepy crazy cackle is simply fantastic and makes him so much more exciting the davros (sorry but it’s true).

Why are we hearing Donna’s heartbeat. The woman then speaks to her about what is to come - I am so worried for her but what does she mean somehting new? She is going to be something awesome but I want to know - next week is so going to leave me in floods of tears I can tell!

The bee’s dissapearing! I love how he thinks it’s so silly and then it’s exciting because it means so much and he gets to go into his crazy doctor fast speak! I just realised how much I love Donna’s voice too - her cocky londonness and just everything about her (can you guess I’m a Donna fan). I wonder if we will see the shaddow proclimation again after he ran away from them.

I love how wilfred has a pain gun but it failed. I also love how it’s Bernard’s idea all that. I love how him and Rose are talking about Donna and Sylvia has no idea what is going on. I also understand why people were moaning about Rose’s voice but it doesn’t bother me much and she did have dental treatment so I symphasise greatly with her anyway. I’m mianly too full of squee about the episode to notice anyway haha!

The medussa cascade - I love how we finally learn what that is too. I also find it slightly amusing that 90 years old is a child to him. 10 is so cute I just want to kiss him all over. Catherine is so awesome here where there is nothing they can do - she is still trying to help him find a way even if there isn’t one.

Harriet Jones FTW!! Nobody beats her at awesomeness in this episode! I was so glad she was back because she is wonderful especially when she has a go at jack! I also love how sylvia won’t let wifred have a webcam haha! I love how martha is the 4th contact and not Rose she was so jealous of her which is always amusing. Still don’t like Martha’s mum much but oh well. “I know who you are” the best line ever! And I love how jack flirts with SJ - I mean how could he resist haha! Harriet is a genious! Isn’t Mr copper the guy who the doctor brought to earth at the end of VOtD? The doctor’s secret army! How awesome! I can’t believe that Harriet is going to give her life - she is genious! What an awesome comback and when she was killed by the Daleks that made me cry so much so goodness knows what I’ll be like when next week arrives. Is it just me or is it interesting that they are called “the children of time” by davros and not companions or humans? “you know nothing of any human and that will be your downfall” I love that line it’s just one of those epic moments that I will refuse to forget.

As for calling the doctor - 07700900461 who else phoned it? I know it has to be a non existant number but I was hoping for at least an answerphone message saying something along the lines of “well done for being a geek” haha!

And yay now the doctor joins! I love how jack says “where have you been!” and I love how Gwen thinks he’s hot and how Donna thinks jack is teh sexors! “An outer space facebook” and the doctor is still looking for rose. Oh gosh I loved that linkup it was simply wonderful I could have a whole series of it like that with them just chatting!

I love Sj’s reaction to Davros and the doctor’s of course, I also love how Donna tries to bring him back but of course it’s davros so she can’t! How messed up is he though to give a cell of his body to all the new daleks. Still as mad and wonderful as ever. I do love the doctor’s “BYE!” at the end - oh so hot! I don’t like cann’s predictions about death to the most faithful companion I don’t want Donna to die - ever!

Not too sure why Jack had to leave Ianto and Gwen. I mean I know he has to find the doctor BUT to leave them alone is not too good a thing I don’t think. I thought it was cute how he had to reassure them that he will be back. Oh gosh the last bit has messed me up big time! I love how Donna seems to ship Rose/10 and how sweet is the running. With the romantic who music and of course the fact that Tennant is the hottest man alive and him running is fit as! But I so wasn’t expecting him to be hit by a dalek - if anyone I thought It would have been Rose but oh at least they finally meet. I love how she just says she was busy haha parallel worlds and all not enough time for the doctor...

It also made me very sad when Gwen said “I’m going out like Owen and Tosh” That upsets me no end. I also find Donna’s panic so real but scary and I REFUSE REFUSE! To believe that he is regenerating! Either that or he regerates but some how the thing about the 1 second out of time and balh means by then end he’s back as 10! I find it slightly amusing that all SJ can do is say “I’m Sorry!” to the daleks!

But no regeration - it isn’t time (or it’s the best kept secret in who history)

That TBC at the end pissed me off no bounds I need trailer!

As worried as I was about the Daleks - they are wonderful in this and nothing else would make this episode as epic as it is.

rose tyler, the doctor, doctor who, torchwood, martha, sarah jane, captain jack, donna noble, review

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